Aug 04, 2009 21:32
Have you ever experienced one of those rare moments that makes you fervently believe in love at first sight?
Well, I have. For the first time today, actually.
So my mom badgered me into taking this speed-reading class over at my school for ACT/SAT prep and stuff like that (even though I am only going to be a sophomore and therefore will not be taking either of those dreadful torture devices tests for another year). Anywho, there I was, minding my own business and trying to find an open seat in the classroom after I get to school...and I'm looking around the classroom to see if there's anyone I know from school...when
I see possibly the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen in my freaking life. I didn't even know there were going to be guys in the class, considering that I go to an all-girls school; apparently it's a co-ed class.
Well, I kind of spaced for a second...HE didn't see me staring, though, so HE didn't notice that I was suddenly going red like some kind of socially-awkward, terribly bashful teenage girl. (Oh, wait...I actually am one!)
He goes to the high school just down the street from mine. He is tall(er than me! Finally! I hate being tall) and has blond hair and he's toned (not bulked up. Don't get the two confused) and, as I found out through the course of the hour-and-a-half class, very, very smart. Really, I'm pretty sure that I paid more attention to him than the class. And that's never happened to me before. Usually I'm a very wise-minded student, but...he's just so...guuuuuhhhhh. And I don't know what to do with myself, because 1) he sits a few seats down from me, so it's not like I can talk to him; 2) I'm ridiculously shy; 3) he's a year older, which makes the whole "shy" thing even worse for me; and 4) he's in a relationship. (Which I found out via Facebook. Dammit!)
So basically, I'm going to learn less about speed reading than I ever thought possible, because I will be enthralled by an unatainable boy. FML.
Carry on.