Our Heart String (First out of Three Drabble series)Length: Drabble
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: Kyumin,
Genre: Romance, Slight! Angst, Overall! Fluffy
Word Count: 482
Disclaimer: I do not own them, they own themselves. <3
Summary: Kyuhyun shows Sungmin how much he loves him.
A.N: Happy belated birthday my sweet dongsaeng vivi fumikux3 sorry for the very birthday wish ): but i hope you like it ^^ Anyways this fic is the first out of the 3 drabble series I’ve made specially for one very special person <3 WHO? I won’t tell you now hahas <3 You will know once the last drabble is out! Excited? I am too! <3 Enjoy the fic <3