"please come to boston in the springtime..."

Oct 27, 2004 20:27

forget it, lee greenwood, try j.crew in the fall. while i realize that this is not a specific location, per se, it's my new favorite fall vacation spot. there are tons of great souveniers, http://www.jcrew.com/content/821/sweaters/sweaters.jhtml great sights to see, http://www.jcrew.com/catalog/category.jhtml?id=cat62323&navAction=jump ,and fantastic fall color http://www.jcrew.com/content/821/coatshop/womenview.jhtml

just felt it was my civic duty to inform everyone of what is out there...the website is nice, but the catalog is like, as previously stated, a guide book for gluttony - if your particular brand of hunger is vintage plaid trousers, cable knit wool sweater-vests, boys in tweed sport coats and bowties, and appetizingly colored courduroy pants. this catalog is a triumph of marketing, i commend the good people at j.crew (devious minds that they are) on a sales pitch well done. i echo veruca salt: (she of willy wonka/chocolate factory/golden-egg laying goose fame)"i want the world, i want the whole world...i want to lock it all up in my pocket..." except in this case i would like the whole world of j.crew. and instead of locking it in my pocket, i just want some more things containing pockets. congratulations, commercialism, another one bites the dust.

but speaking of boston in the springtime, claire and i are going for spring break. we thought we'd try something new and different, hurrah, new england - birthplace of our nation!

In other news, i now have an official, magnetized, Auburn nametag. and while to some (cough, margaret atkins, cough) this may be old hat, i am personally extremely excited and feel that i now have a specific place on campus. which is lauded by my rectangular piece of plastic, ingeneously designed so as not to poke holes in one's clothing- "EMILY LILLEY, HEY DAY VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE HEAD." watch out, world.

there is supposedly a lunar eclipse tonight-wait-this news has just been confirmed by resident astrologist emily tapley, who just told me to look out the window. and there you have it folks, part of the moon is missing. if you have any information regarding the missing portion of our lunar, rotating, tide controlling friend, please notify the proper authorities. this, in turn, has gotten "total eclipse of the heart" stuck in my head. hey, if you want to see it, all you have to do is... "turn around..."

p.s.- Auburn's football team is 8-0. hollerrr
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