Apr 27, 2007 07:46
I figured I'm come on here and do a wee update... since my last entry wasn't since April 5th, and it was only a measly "friends quiz", which... unsurprisingly only ONE person took :oP I love ya Jeffy! *hugs* Ah well... life goes on...
So I'm on holidays now for a whole 6 days! Well technically 5 more days, as I had my switchover day off yesterday from midnights... and of course this morning at 4:30am... guess who couldn't sleep... *cries*... yeah, just stared at the ceiling, listening to the sounds of the new day that was just beginning... rain outside, birds chirping, snores coming from someone...*cough, cough*... Jorie meowing, telling me he wanted treats... so I got my wide awake ass outta bed and started watching some television. Well actually I watched more of my first Thundercats boxed set. Went through an entire disc this morning... Only have 3 more discs left in this first boxed set, then I can move onto the 2nd and 3rd ones... and eventually when I buy it, the 4th one...
So holidays... bunch of fun stuff planned... Toronto Zoo, Hamilton Waterfalls & picnic at the park, Niagara, St. Jacobs Market, BBQ & Games nite... ah... so nice to just get away, and not have to worry about work...
I guess that's it for my update... stupid allergies are starting to bother me, and my eyes are all puffy and watery, and are hurting looking at this screen while I type this update... so until next time, and hopefully allergy free... :oP
Hope you're all well, and HAVE AN AWESOME WEEKEND ALL!