Jul 10, 2006 08:38
Well, I don't really dislike them either... I dunno, I'm kind of indifferent I guess. I think I'm still just kinda tired from the weekend. I tried sleeping in today some more, but was scared if I fell into a really deep sleep I wouldn't get up in time to get ready for work. Yeah I could have just set the alarm, but really people, that takes effort.
Anyhoo... so my weekend... was quite the adventure, and quite fun overall...Where to start. I guess Friday.
Friday ~ We basically stayed around the house for the majority of the day. I ended up hanging out with a friend of mine in the morning, and making our way to Westmount mall, where I was to meet up with some other friends. I ended up staying at the mall for lunch with some of the friends, one of them had to head back, as they had to work at 3pm. Was still nice to see them though, as I hadn't gotten together with them for some time. After lunch I ended heading home with my other friends. We made a pit stop at the grocery store, as I had to pick up something for dinner, and then pick up some things for Saturday's adventures. Came home and started off the evening by playing Sorry. Then I put dinner in the over (lasagne), and then I started getting the lunch together for Saturday. Had to make the tuna sandwiches, and pack everything else into tupperware containers. We also had a clight change of plans throughout the evening, as Jennifer and Jessica (current company) decided they'd really like to come along with us on Saturday. Which was fine...we hadn't heard from another friend that was supposed to come, so in theory we had one open spot in the car, and figured although it would be tight, we could squeeze 4 people in the back seat, we've done it before. So this was now the plan. We played a game of Life after dinner, and then decided it was probably best to get everyone home, and get off to bed, as we all had to be up early the following day, as we wanted to get an early start on our adventure.
Saturday ~ The big day! We started off from here at about 9am. Headed off to Jennifer and Jessica's first, picked them up. Then headed off to Tonya's Gramma's house... to get Tonya. Once we had her, we decided to stop in at McDonald's for breakfast. Tasty tasty! Then it was off to Thorndale to pick up Mandy, at her cousin's house. She had been house/dog sitting. Finally we were on our way. We headed off to Webster's Falls first. It's a park in the Hamilton Conservation Authority... where we wanted to stop and have our lunch. Was very nice, some of us took the stairs down to the very summit of the waterfall... was so cool, people were actually swimming the the water at the bottom... we didn't go swimming, but a couple of us walked almost right under the falls... basically to the point closest to them, without getting wet. Was very cool. Mind you the walk back up the stairs to the top of the escarpment isn't as enjoyable... it's like 5 or 6 flights of stairs... very tiring... but still was worth it. After lunch we headed to our second stop of the day... and another natural wonder of the nearby area, Magnetic Hill. Was so cool, none of us had ever experienced it, but was definately something we'll be re-visiting again. You basically find the area, drive down these two hills, turn your car around at the bottom of them, and shut it off, and put it into neutral. Then wait, and you car will be pulled up the two hills, without any help from you driving, it goes up on its own. COOLNESS! Of course there are many local legends in the area about the ghosts of a bus full of children who went over the cliff pushing you up the hill. Quite fascinating, and I wanna try it at nite. Apparently if you put baby powder on your bumper, and go through the experience, when you reach the top you will see little handprints in the powder once you get out and check. SO COOL! We're definately trying it again at night time.
Now it was off to IKEA, which was only a whole 5 minutes from where we had just been. Was a great time there as well. Aside from losing Jennifer and Jessica for most of the time. I ended up getting a few things, some curtains, new spatulas, ice cube trays, a curtain rod, some cool placemats... all in all, was a good time. Mandy got a bunch of stuff too, a lazy susan, a lamp, some tupperware...etc... was great. I think we spent a good 2 hours there.
Now it was off to Niagara! Woot Woot! We finally got there after about another hours driving. Let me tell you, was my ass/thigh hurting, cramming so many people into the back with such a long drive ahead of you, wasn't probably the smartest idea... but oh well. So Niagara Falls was INSANE! People everywhere... good god. We finally got into the Casino parking garage, got our ticket stub, started up the hill to a parking level... and... SMOKE FROM UNDER THE HOOD! Yeah... Thick white smoke... and so we had to pull over, and shut the car off... Wasn't good, we were completely out of antifreeze/coolant...which was lovely, break down where there are NO gas stations anywhere. So Mandy and I hoofed it to see where we could go to find something in the way of a gas station to get coolant. After like a 7 block hike, and another 7 block hike back, we had found a 7-Eleven store (ironically enough), and were back with coolant. We filled the car up and finally found ourselves a parking spot on level 5 of the garage...We decided it was probably best to do the casino's first, since Clifton Hill was so insane with tourists. We caught the shuttle bus over to the Fallsview Casino... and spent a good couple hours there. I didn't win much of anything, Richard, Tonya, and Jessica came out ahead though, which was nice to see. We then decided to head back to the other casino, Casino Niagara... as well as make a pit stop for some snacks back at the car. At this point Jennifer and Jessica were complaining about wanting to leave, even though we had all told them, we'd be there late. So they opted to stay in the car while we went back into the casino for another hour or so. We finally decided we should get our butts in gear and head home. We never did end up doing anything at the falls, other than the casino, we all felt it was way too insane when we first got there, and then we were all sidetracked at the casino and never got around to it. But hey half the people left with a plus in their money... so that was at least a good thing. I think we finally got everyone home, and got home ourselves at around 4am... a very fun, and very LONG day.
Sunday ~ After sleeping in until almost noon, we decided to get up and get ready for another outing. We'd decided the previous day that we would make a trip to the Gibralter Flea Market and have Tonya and Mandy over for dinner. I ended calling my sister and Jake over for dinner as well. Mandy was actually too tired to really do much today, so she opted to stay home... which was cool. So Tonya, Richard and Myself all went to Wendy's for lunch, and then headed to the flea market. I didn't buy anything, but Tonya was able to pick up a few books, and a record for herself. We then decided to make a quick stop over at the Western Fair casino. We'd all decided to each spend $20 bucks, and all play together. The plan was perfect, in that we all came in with $20, and we each left with $45... so that was AMAZING! We left in good time too, my sister and her boyfriend were going to be at our place at 5pm, and we had to stop off at the grocery store to get some hamburger for dinner. We were all finally there, my sister included, and started into a game of Mario Party #7 (of course)... of which, my sister, KICKED ASS! She was so excited. Everyone ended up leaving around 9:30pm, as we had to drive Tonya home, and Richard had to get up for work this morning early, as he started at 6am.
So all in all... Was a very tiring, but VERY FUN weekend. Thank you to everyone who helped make it so memorable, both on the positive aspects, and those that provided the negative aspects (of which I have chosen not to write about)... It's certainly a weekend to remember.
Hope to catch up with all of you soon, those that I didn't see on the weekend... Josh I hope yer housewarming/boozefest thingy went over well, and that you had a great time as well, sorry we couldn't make it. Jo, I hope you've had an awesome weekend as well, have you heard back from your interview? Jeffy, I miss you lots... *hugs*... Hope to chat with you again soon my friend... And to all the rest of you... *hugs* as well... Hope you're all well, and we'll catch up soon...