Jan 09, 2006 19:38
Ok so are you all ready for a shock??????????
Drum roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have come to a conclusion about me and my life that soo dosnt sound like me. i dunno where it came from i'm really thinking that God Just smacked me a cross the face and said hey you wake up in there or else i just Finaly Shut up so i can hear Him. any way the shock is what you want right.
here it is
ok close your mouths now i just think God has something bigger planned for me right now. No i didnt get hit on the head in my Karatie class and no David is not the reason i just want to be his Friend and i'm totaly cool with that. and yes i am feeling well i figure if i look at guys with only frendship in mind God will do something amazing. Some things happend this weekend i think that partly helped me with this disision. I just want friends right now. nothing more. And yes i'm very happy with this. I want to live for God and listen to all he wants me to do.
I hope none of you are now lieing on the floor in shock if soo please get up and get some water. I need all of you guys.
I love you all