For our beloved Elijah's birthday.

Jan 28, 2010 05:26

I posted this same tribute for the past couple of years, and can't think of better words to use this year. These words still resonate within me as reflecting everything I believe about this fine man who has brought so much joy to our lives. I wish him every good thing on this, his special day.

He made our Frodo come to life... but more. When the world seems dull and gloomy, he is a place where we can go and find a bit of light. It's not just his blue eyes. It's more the way those eyes seem to just 'go' with the rest of that beautiful face... and the way that exquisite face is but a reflection of the beauty of the heart... the soul.. the person beneath. Many of us have met him and been struck by how he seems to give so much of himself to every moment that you feel, in his presence, as though you've found a friend. It has always seemed odd that such graciousness of spirit could live in one so young. But he never fails to give his fans every ounce of who he is whether it's in his movies or in his personal interactions with us. He never withholds. He offers, constantly, the full glow of that beautiful light.. and it is for us to decide how much of it we can bear.

He enriches our dreams. He inspires our love and loyalty. He graces our fandom with his kindness, his intelligence... and his unfailing charm.

I hope he has the best of all possible birthdays. I can't think of anyone more deserving. I hope that in the year ahead he enjoys even half the joy he has given to us through the years and finds the fulfillment of all his fondest dreams.

Today, you are a little wiser,
truer to yourself,
and more confident and comfortable
than you were the year before.
You are stronger and deeper on the inside
because of the experiences
life has given you,
and softer around the edges
because of the things
you have let go of along the way.

You are clearer about your dreams
and your purpose…

…and richer because of the laughter,
love, and friendship
you have shared.

And the gifts you have gathered
just make you all the more beautiful and precious to those of us who love you.

Happy Birthday, Elijah... and thank you.

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