what's it like to have a room of guys incircling you? how she moves and how she walks....

Aug 08, 2004 09:45

DEAR GOD! I have been trying to update since this morning, but Photobucket was causing problems and I had places to be, and gosh-darnit, I've just now had time to update. Indeed! Let's start with Saturday...

Saturday was INDEED an AMAZING day!

I got up pretty early, and went to Weaver Street to eat breakfast with my grandmother. It was alright. I noticed that she has things happen in her life that I'm really not interested in, but HER interest in them makes ME interested...because she's so cute when she talks about it. She was talking about her and her sister killing a snake a few weeks ago that was trying to eat some baby birds in their barn.WACK!

After breakfast, I came home and got things together to run a few errands. My grandma went home(whew) a few minutes after I left. Or maybe she left before I did. I don't remember. Either way, she went home. I went to Border's and got Travismith his BIRTHDAY PRESENTS. I got him two books. I've read parts of them, but not the entire thing. Let me say, I enjoy them quite a bit.

I got Travis The Tolkien Reader, which is all about Tolkien's writtings, including essays on fantasy, and some of his earliest works with Tom Bombadil. I also got him The Shaping of Middle Earth, which is the 4th volume in the History of Middle Earth series.

I went home, wrapped it, and chillaxed. Then at like 11:45, I went over to Travis' house for his BIRTHDAY PARTY! Justina and Adam were already there. As time went on, Jonah, Sean B, Courtney, and Willhack arrived. Travis gave me a present(on HIS birthday? Hurrr...?)! T'was a book on SPONTANEOUS HUMAN COMBUSTION. Oh, it's pure gold, I tell you. PURE gold.

Here was the day plan: Arrive at Travis' house, recieive PARTY FAVORS, and continue over to a fun-filled day at the Museum of Life and Science, in Durham. We've already arrived, so let's get onto the PARTY FAVORS...

Travis' parents came out with a big trash bag. They then asked all of us to stick our hands in, and pull out whatever was in it. Whatever we pulled out was ours to keep.

That's right, folks! HATS. Sean got a beanie, Justina=Crab, Adam=Parrot, Trav and Courtney=Jesters, Jonah=Monkey, I AM A WIZARD, and of course, of ALL the random hats in the bag...Will picked the American Pride hat. BAHAHA!

So let's get to

Jonah's royal arrival. (Royal? Naw.)

Well look at me. I'm dumb.

I hope those drums were made in the USA, boy!

BIRTHDAY BOY plus handley holding a DUCK HAT!

This one's a bit shaky....

Favorite boy.


INSIDE the museum...

Alright. There are these 4 black poles with air holes going in different dirrections, and mist coming from the ground that forms a tornado. As a kid, we all thought that you had to rub your hands up and down on the poles(covering and uncovering the holes) to make the tornado form. IT'S WHAT WE WERE TAUGHT! So naturally, all of us run over to the tornado-maker, and start vigorously RUBBING the poles(see Travis and Handley, above.). Then we see....there is a sign. It says "THIS TORNADO FORMS ON ITSELF!" What idiots. 17 year old kids making fools of themselves. Always classic.

We're in that spaceship.

Vote John Kerry, ya'll!

Sean's in the space craft, also. (Yes, real space ships have carpeted interior walls.)

I won't deny it. I liked this wheel/chain combination.

Travis and Jonah, being little construction workers. Yes. Travis IS holding my purse!

YAY for the virtual reality!

It's raining...


We tagged the cats and dogs via virtual realitynessishness. It was quite a journey!

Trav and a fake buggy bug.

...in the train car...."Gonna kill Massa Johnson...." We're good at hymns.

...more hymns...


...the goat ran away to the barn because it was too ugly. Plus, it wanted to see the ass, and me.

"I'm dumb and eat plates."

Yes. An ASS's ASS. It's funny.

Barnyard calamity.

This turkey just cracked me up. I think turkeys are the stupidest looking creatures. Honestly, he has this huge skin formation atop his beak. He just looks like an idiot.


Real Americans drink CHOCOLATE milk. Sucker.



The little blur above the AMERICAN PRIDE hat is a pretty butterfly. We were in the butterfly house, and it landed on Will's hat. It was there for 39028509 years until I snapped the picture, and it fluttered away. Now it's just a picture of Will looking awkward in a hat. When we were in the butterfly house, I was wearing my wizard hat, and a blue shiny butterfly liked the blue shiny cusp/moon on my hat. He danced around my head, then landed on my butt. I shook him off and it was fun/great.

I messed up on this picture. Dammit.

Pretty ceiling!

Donde esta Guzzardi?

THIS ONE IS BIG, BUT DAMMIT IT'S MY FAVORITE! 1. Will and I are the only ones who wore our hats. Everyone else is lame. I mean that. 2. As you can see, there is a "STAFF ONLY" sign. We've clearly plowed PAST that. FUCK SOCIETY AND STAFF ONLY SIGNS! WE'RE 17 YEARS OLD AND DO WHAT WE WANT!

As for non-photographed things, there were space men, talking computers, bears, wolves, a choco taco, and an amazing gift shop. We went home when the museum closed at 5.

I went straight from Travis' house to work at 6. It was an alright night...my little announcements didn't go as well as Friday night, but hey, I'll do anything for a little applause. Indeed.

Will and Courtney came at the end of my shift, and we went back to my house. We watched TV and learned some great tricks in the food canning industry. We also talked about...everything else. We talk about strange things when we're together. Indeed.

Will left around 12:30ish, and that is when the fun began. Courtney and I decided to drive. Where, you ask? We drove to Raleigh. Where in Raleigh? Krispy Kreme, of course! Their drive-thru is open 24 hours a day, baby! We got there around 1:30, and enjoyed the glamourous traditional glazed, creme filled, custard filled, and traditional cake donuts. The funniest part is that Krispy Kreme was PACKED. There were like 15 people there at 1:30am! Wacky/zany.

We got home at 2, and went to bedddd!

This morning(sunday), we went to the Raleigh flea market! We got some lovely clunky jewelry, and I got a tuxedo shirt(pink!) and a white tuxedo vest with tails. It's a grand ensemble. I got some fudge, too. Because I could, dammit. Because I could.

After arriving home, Meg gave me some grand NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS slippers from Toronto. Hells yeah. I love them.

We went to see Collateral. That Jamie Foxx(x)...he's got it. Tom Crooooze should fix his haair.

After that adventure, I joined Meghan and Willhack for dinner at Momma Dips. Of course, I didn't get anything because dammit, we all know that I AM FASTING FOR ASHLEY OLSEN!!
Petunia52187: boo mary kate....
Petunia52187: for ashley
Petunia52187: we shall fast

We then went to Will's house and watched Lost in Translation. Great movie, GREAT movie. Go watch it, You'll be satisfied with things afterwards.

Awkward silences are my love.

finally time to conclude this shiat! Loveyouboygirlkids. <3 handle

pee es; i enjoy THIS.
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