Syracuse - The drive here

Aug 18, 2007 02:43

So we FINALLY made it to the hotel in Syracuse. But it was not boring at all. After going over the Ambassador Bridge and looking at Carl's Treo with google maps on it we saw that the printed directions had wanted us to go all the way to Port Huron to use the Blue Water Bridge. Now I am not even going to say how insane and ridiculous that is. I'm going to let you for yourselves look that up on a map. Yes, going from Ypsilanti (where we started the map) through to Canada. Don't worry, I'll wait. There. So once I found out that they wanted us to go very much out of our way and that we hadn't taken a wrong route that made me feel better. Oh, I haven't mentioned that we have our nephew in the car with us. He's in his 20s so that's not bad it's not like we had to keep him entertained. The drive for poor Carl was so long. I appreciate so much that he drove the whole way. It was a long ass drive for anyone.

So driving through Canada was long and long. Driving through New York was also very long. The exits here are so not like the ones in MI. The ones in Michigan actually make sense in the fact that there's pretty much an exit every mile or so. Not here. There's sometimes 5+ miles between exits. Which really sucks when you want to get somewhere and go to I don't know, bed? We got off the thruway (some sort of freeway toll road) 2 exits from where we should have gotten off at. We did manage to find the hotel. Or what we thought was our hotel. It turns out that we made reservations at another Hampton Inn a few miles from the one we ended up at. Once we figured out that it was the wrong place we got directions to the new one.

And here we are now. Using hotel wireless to write a LJ entry. And probably going to sleep soon.

Oh and I didn't even go into the getting the rental car debacle.
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