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Night Class
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Comments 117
Full Name: Taa
Occupation: Vocalist of LuLu
Day Class Student Information
Full Name: Taa
Journal: psychodisorder
AIM Screenname: #writemebloodyx
Appearance: Close up + One & Two (no make up).
Age: 16
Year: 2
Background: Taa is young and he would say that means there's not much of a past to look back on. That's not really the truth. Taa, at one time, had a family and a life outside what he has become. He had a sibling, even. He was around ten when he came home and found his family murdered. The mess was grusome and the smell was enough to make him vomit. But then something inside him seemed to snap and he could no longer find it in him to be horrified. He dropped his bag, walked through the blood and the scent of death, calmly picked up the phone, and reported the murder. The child waited outside, eating a snack his mother had told him he could not have earlier in the day ( ... )
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Full Name: Iwagami Tatsuro
Occupation: Vocalist of MUCC
Staff Information
Full Name: Iwagami Tatsuro (He just goes by Tatsurou, though.)
Journal: tatertatsurou
AIM Screenname: tatertatsurou
Appearance: Close up + One & Two.
Age (Turned):26
Age (Total):567
Staff Position: Border Guard/Tracker. He sits up in his tower to make sure humans dont get out, and if they get out, he tracks them down and brings them back.
Background: Iwagami Tatsurou was born in the year 1443, the son of a merchant. His life was far from uncomfortable, the family's wealth only growing as a result of their increased trading with the west. No, they weren't the wealthiest, but they were still wealthy, and their son grew up with priviledges that the common class could hardly dream to have. One might assume that this played a large role in his later life. He grew up with a certain sense of entitlement, though he wasn't really a bad child. It was only natural, after all. Those who grew up with luxuries that ( ... )
He also doesn't take too well to boredom. Having lived hundreds of years, he's been through a lot, experienced a lot, seen a lot of change. Many things simply aren't as interesting as they once were, and so he turns to other methods for entertainment. Usually bullying his peers or helpless humans. Rank really doesn't bother him much, unless you've really earned his respect, you're still likely to be picked on.
He's generally an ass, but there may be more to him than he lets on.
Trivia:Has a cat named Teto ( ... )
Full Name: Yamazaki Masahito (Maya)
Occupation: Vocalist of LM.C
Night Class Student Information
Full Name: Maya (He's forgotten his real name)
Journal: frownyemoticon
AIM Screenname: frownyemoticon
Appearance: Close up (Face) + Hair/Style (One) & Hair/Style (Two).
Also please note that he typically does not wear the crown. Usually just a hat or hood of some sort.
Age (Turned): 27
Age (Total): 48 (Explained in his background)
House: Rosa
Year: One (Explained in his background)
Power: Telekinesis
Background: Maya's life wasn't too special or unusual, up until his capture. Which is just fine, since he remembers none of it... Nothing at all ( ... )
After seventeen years he took a part time job, as he was relatively safe around humans. He complained that he wanted to enter the school himself, but his caretaker insisted that he wait until he had enough knowledge and experience to relate to the others, to make up for his not remembering his past.
Finally, after twenty one years of preparations, his caretaker finally agreed that he was ready to enter the school.
Personality: Due to having no memories of his past life, and being raised by vampires in an environment in which vampires are superior, Maya has grown up with an unshakeable belief that he is superior to the humans ( ... )
Thank you very much.
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▪ Last but never least, welcome onboard and we hope you enjoy your stay!
Full Name: Lee Chang Sun
Occupation: Mblaq
Day Class Student Information
Full Name: Lee Joon
Journal: daylightjoon
AIM Screenname: Yourlightsource
Appearance: Close up + One & Two.
Age: 18
Year: 3
Background:Being born in a lower middle class family, Joon did not always get whatever he wanted. Nothing was free. Obtaining things by his own force was something he was familiar with very well; whether it was a new school book or another sweater, he had to work to be able to buy it, therefore he worked part-time at a convenient store. His parents, who didn’t have any high salary, were forced to work all day long, week after week, just to be able to survive the upcoming month. This resulted in Joon being home alone for most of the time. Cooking and cleaning were therefore chores he had to manage himself. And not to brag or anything, but Joon thought he was the best cook ever ( ... )
Notes: Cheesy stuff is not something I can do. I sometimes write a lot, sometimes not, y'all know the drill.
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▪ Last but never least, welcome onboard and we hope you enjoy your stay!
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