Apr 20, 2010 11:37
Babies are extremely time-consuming. O.O And do not sleep much, and worry their mothers by feeling as if they have a fever when the thermometer insists that their temperature is perfectly normal every single time.
Yes, I took her temperature seven times. I think I'm officially overprotective.
Today we make our first big outing, which is going to feature more walking than anticipated - she needs a blood test, and since the facility within an easy trainride doesn't have anyone on today who can do an infant heel-prick test, so I have to go to the one that's twenty minutes walk away instead. That's by far the longest walk I've done since the caesarian, and I'm a little apprehensive. But there's a shopping centre there, so I can stop and sit down and have some sushi before trying to walk back.
Annnd it looks like rain. Goody. Fortunately, the pram came with a rain-cover.