Jan 02, 2010 23:29
It still doesn't feel quite like 2010... a new year always takes a few days to sink in, for me.
Aside from conceiving just when all hope was just about gone, 2009 sucked fairly major ass as a year. Elephantine ass, even. Several of them. Lined up. All with diarrhoea.
So far, 2010 seems cautiously inclined to be an improvement. I'll be starting a new, low-stress part-time job this week, so money will be coming in again. The kid is, apart from the possibly faulty kidney, doing pretty well. The two cats we still have are young and in good health. Fingers crossed that these positive trends continue.
And for a new Places Your Brain Didn't Want To Go:
I ran across an old 'Dilbert' strip today in which the Pointy-Haired Boss declares "Hee hee! Evil makes my buttocks tingle!"
Bad enough on its own, but then my brain decided that what I really needed was a mental image of the Green Goblin saying this. The Norman Osborne version.
Spidey-in-my-head is *so* disturbed right now.