More 'Ringsy Icons...

Oct 14, 2004 07:25

I've had these lingering for about two weeks now, as my own computer crashed. (No, I did not throw it out of the window. It just died on me, ok?) But being absolutely bored to death, ill, with most of the RL friends abroad and no one to talk to in the house, I decided to yoink the Father's computer for a few moments and update. (Please, comment! I'm so bored that I'll reply to anything! I'm so bored that I'm whoring for any kind of comment! Just comment, please! PLEASE!!!)



I also wanted to update to show off a pretty banner, since I won first prize in a golden_wood challenge a few weeks back. It was a lyrics contest thing, and my preeeeeeetty icon won. Yay LotR, Into the West, and PSP 9. (Incidentally, I decided to make a set with all of the ItW lyrics after winning. It's halfway done, but I can't finish it just yet, as the comp with PSP 9 is t3h d34d and the Father won't allow me to do anything with his comp. So don't tell him I updated. He'll kill me.)

Anyway, the winning icon:

...along with the pretty banner (I'm such a show-off)...

Oh, and- I made some more Arwen-icons, by request of lotr_freak16. Éowyn and Samwise and other icons in general will get attention once the computer is working again. I swear.




Incidentally, #12 is not a base. You may take it (providing that you credit me), but you may not edit it. Thank you.

General Credits and Resources

Specific Credits:

  • As stated before, text on spoiler taken from Annie Lennox's song Into the West, from the RotK soundtrack. And I happen to lurve that song. And I iconise a lot with it too. So what? =P
  • Text on #1 inspired by Richie, the most wonderful 12-year-old iconising semi-assistant in the world. Every iconiser should get their own Richie (but not mine!). They're invaluable. Text also to prod slight fun at the US of A and the upcoming elections. Because I feel like it.
  • Text on #2 is a little late, I know. I made this icon ages back, and found it in the depths of my database some two weeks back. It was uploaded with the rest of them back then, so I figured what the heck and am showing it off anyway. And yes, I DO like the Olympics. I just felt like I had to do this one. Too good to miss out.
  • Text on #3 inspired by PeeJay's film version on The Fellowship of the Ring. Despite his mangling of canon at some points, I cannot say often enough how much I admire his work, as it rocks. But JRR the Brilliant always rocks more, of course. Shutting up now.
  • Okay, not shutting up after all. Text on #4- same as #3. I'll spare you the lengthy worshiping this time.
  • Text on #5 taken from a poem in The Fellowship of the Ring (can't be buggered to look up the name right now), written by JRR the Genius and shamelessly taken by me to iconise it. You'll find it in PeeJay's RotK too, but he snatched it just as much as I did. XD
  • Text on #8 taken from the song In Dreams, which is featured in The Breaking of the Fellowship on the official Fellowship of the Ring soundtrack for PeeJay's FotR, and performed by Edward Ross. And so damn beautiful that it still gives me the shivers and is making me want to cry. (I should get a life.)
  • Text on #9 by Blind Guardian, taken from the song Sadly Sings Destiny. And although that song didn't have much to do with Tolkien, Blind Guardian makes a lot of Tolkien-inspired music. Like their album Nightfall in Middle-earth, which basically retells the Silmarillion. The music might not be your style, but the texts are great, and I happen to lurve them. ♥
  • #10... I'm going overboard with quotes from the films... b4k4. Oh well... pretty, pretty quotes... ^_^ (And if anyone could tell me who the artist was that made the image I used, please tell me. I want to credit the person.)
  • #11 - yet another quote from PeeJay's brilliant trilogy. 'nuff said.
  • #12 IS NOT A BASE. Thank you. XD

  • Notice how I credited everything and everyone involved? Good. Because I'd very much appreciate it if you credited me, too. So, the drill: comment and credit if you're taking any of these icons. Let me know if you liked them!

    But please- credit me in the keywords. It's not much trouble, and I don't want to be forced to turn this in a friends-only. Thank you.
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