Jan 30, 2006 23:59
so, I got tagged for this game where I list 5 of my strange habits and then I tag 5 more people to do follow in suit. here goes:
1.) I have to leave the lights on...all night and all day. I can't sleep in the dark when I am alone. I also don't want to return to a dark apartment so I leave at least one light on when I head to school. (Luckily, I don't pay extra for utilities.)
2.) Blackheads drive me insane. I check my face in the mirror constantly for one that I can pinch out. If someone else has blackheads on their nose, I can't hardly look them in the face.
3.) This one is probably old news, but I have an inexplicable fascination with disturbing/morbid photos. I can spend hours looking at autopsy pictures without feeling any emotional reaction. Maybe I see beauty in the grotesque.
4.) Before I will eat a pizza, I need to sprinkle it with parmesan cheese and then drown it with crushed red peppers. I mean DROWN. If I can taste a hint of sauce or it doesn't feel like all hell's broken loose in my mouth, then I add more peppers.
5.) I hate wearing clothes, especially pants. This has been a problem since I was a toddler. As soon as I get home from school, the jeans come off.
and I guess I'll tag people: Kat, Tooky, Michael, Brian and Peter. I don't expect any of you to actually do this.