Jun 15, 2004 02:06
I just got done watching Very Bad Things. I think the only things worse than watching Cameron Diaz play a bitch, shrew, harpy-bride, is listening to the rest of the male cast have fits of loud, screaming, man-rage over and over again. It wasn't even darkly humorous because it was just annoying and lame. I hate myself for watching it all the way through.
It made the movie that preceeded it (What Lies Beneath) seem like a masterpiece of modern cinema.
Which it is not.
I mean for the love of shit can't anyone make a good thriller anymore? Did anyone think the audience would be surprised by who the killer was? Why else would HARRISON FORD be in the damn thing and have such a tiny role for the first 3/4 of the film? It's like Miranda Richardson in Sleepy Hollow or Max von Sydow in Minority Report.
Why am I so mad about this? It must be all the herbal tea. I've been watching classic films lately (thank you Netflix) and I think my expectations have been re-set too high. Plus, I should have known what I was getting into. I love good, cheesy movies and I draw a distinction between an "entertaining" film and a "good" film. Very Bad Things was neither for me. Let it be noted that I own Showgirls and The Mummy (the Brendan Fraiser version and I swear to god it was a gift) so who am I to judge but I would really love to sit down and talk to someone who actually liked VBT. In my defense, I think that Showgirls is the best unintentional comedy ever made...except for the horrific rape scene.
Suddenly I feel dirty.