Jul 26, 2005 23:22
Yes indeed I so just got payback on Anthony and he is trying to act so cool like he didn't fall for it but we all know he did!...word to the wise payback is a bit*h and this bit*h paysback!
ALright so today was a pretty good day I went to the dentist and during Thanksgiving I gotta get my wisdom teeth pulled which is gonna suck but...OH WELL!
Then I went to see my aunt in the hospital and I just wanted to burst out crying I am not use to her looking so badly and feeling so horrible...my mommy has stayed there for like 2 days and nights just to help her out and I know I am being selfish but I miss my mommy I finally wanna talk to her and she is not here! oh well my aunt always comes before me and I just hope she gets better and mom can go back to work and back home...PLEASE KEEP HER IN YOUR PRAYERS!
Me and my daddy then went ate at Jasons Deli(wasnt that good) and then came home and slept...
I am now off to bed and I gotta work tomorrow bright and early at 7 a.m...
BAND CAMP is next week and I am so not ready and I feel like summer has just flwon by!...
holla holla 485-5757