Twenty-five Facts

Jan 09, 2009 16:22

I've been inspired by Bethany.  Feel free to roll your eyes at me.  And it's not done yet, so be patient.  I must eat!
  1. I've had my fingers slammed in car doors at least five seperate times since I was six.
  2. I learned how to make my own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when I was two because I was too picky about how the peanut butter was spread.
  3. You think I'm violent now, HA!  You should have seen me in kindergarten!
  4. I've always been a Daddy's girl- from day one.  We have the same personality, interests, and he's the only one I can brown nose because Mum's impervious to my subversive tactics. 
  5. My mom swears I was talking by the tender age of nine months but no one could hear me because I spoke too softly.
  6. My little brother, Ethan, and I get mistaken for each other a lot, especially when he grows his hair out.  Hopefully his voice changing will eliminate that problem.
  7. I am completely abstract random and would not be able to get organized if I wanted to.  I don't.
  8. I stopped wearing girl's clothes in third grade and didn't start again until seventh grade...
  9. I played baseball in elementary school instead of softball because "Softball was for girls." I was a tomboy, you see.  ^_^
  10. Despite the fact that I am STILL a tomboy, I love shopping and shoes which kinda freaks out some of my guy friends.
  11. I cannot stop reading.  I love it , I live for it, it is my refuge.  My genre of choice is fantasy.
  12. I love baking and cooking  and totally rock at it (if I'm allowed to brag).
  13. I am without a doubt, one on the most forgetful people you will ever know.  I've forgotten to go to work once.  I often forget assignments until the last minute.  I have to write everything down on calendars, sticky-notes, and even the back of my hands so that I don't forget.  I even put a sticky-note on my alarm clock so I remember why I'm waking up in the morning. 
  14.  Since fifth grade I had always planned on becoming a lawyer when I grew up.  A month after arriving at St. Olaf, I was pretty sure I wanted to be a history professor. 
  15.  I hunt and fish, and have a marked fascination with guns and kives.
  16. I used to beat up the boys on the playground when I was little.
  17. I'm kind of a goody-two-shoes. (Hehe, kind of...)
  18. I can speak fluent Pig Latin thanks to Amber.
  19. In my lofty opintion, Tom Cruise is a pinheaded facsimile of a sham and should be put in traction.
  20. Cats are infinitely better than dogs because they're self-sufficient.
  21. I would be a horrible pet owner.
  22. I shared a room with two brothers for fourteen years of my life.
  23. Hates shows and movies like The Land Before Time and Winnie the Pooh because of the horrible grammar.
  24. I'm easily entertained.
  25. I love my solitude.  If I am around people constantly for too long I get reeeeeally crabby.
Did I do it correctly?  I can hardly tell...  This was waaay tougher than I thought it would be.  URG.

25 facts

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