
Dec 28, 2006 01:47

So I am still obsessively watching my season one 'Supernatural' DVDs, which is fun, because, well, yum. But I am mostly avoiding fandom, because the "Sam rulz, Dean drools/Dean rulz, Sam drools" shtick was old before I even started reading it. The gen fanficiton is loaded with an overused, often irrelevant catch phrase, and the slash, well, while the pretty cannot be denied, the squick factor is off the charts, with them being brothers and all. The fact that some have resorted to RPS is possibly even squickier, I don't care how often the actors are caught groping each other in public, its just icky (although the moniker 'Paddywackles' built from Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles is funny as hell, which is appropriate, since I'm going there for thinking so).

But the sad thing is that DMC is still in the DVD player, but it gets little love. I mean I watched CotBP so often when I first got it, that I muttered lines in my sleep, I was almost sick of it. But DMC is just not getting the same play. I don't hate it, I just... well?

One of my major issues is the Jack/Will thing, and I don't mean that in the 'hot mansex way', I just mean their dynamic. It was what drew me to the CotBP in the first place, right about the time I was discovering slash. So before I was all "they are totally doing it!", I was all "Whee! They're fun!". It saddens, irritates, and vexes me that they would completely ignore, and possibly even scuttle it, for the mess in DMC. (Not that they do completely ignore it, there is the occasional moment, put that's a completely different post.)

I could live with it, I guess, if any of it made sense. I have watched the DVD enough to confirm that Johnny does not play Jack as lovelorn. Horny maybe, but lovelorn, no. It is so un-obvious that Ass and Hat spend the whole commentary (and numerous trips to various boards) explaining the whole convoluted thing, and yet, I am still confused.

I mean what the hell does "Jack is vexed by Elizabeth" mean? Is he warm for her completely secondary-sex-characteristic-devoid form? If so why the hell does that mess with his compass? Does horny out weight life-threatening in compass vex-ability? Couldn't he just get a cabin boy?

If he is in true life changing lurve, then why is he not more concerned when he finds out she's in prison awaiting execution? Why try to get Will back from the 'Dutchman' at all? (A&H mention on the commentary that Jones keeps Will because it is 'crueler' to Jack to do so) Isn't it easier on his path to "wuve, true wuve" to leave the poor boy to rot? Why lie to and mislead her? Why is he more concerned with looking for the "Dutchman" and her 'seafood buffet' crew when Will does show up than with Will shoving his tongue down her throat (like Norrington)? Why would he leave when the kraken attacks putting her in 'grave peril'?

Why all these damn questions? Because I don't get it, any of it. I think I was too caught up in the whole collective 'squee heard 'round the internet' and the resulting J/E shit storm, to realize how goofy the whole thing is. I'm sure it's why I've been so adamant about this all being a 'red herring'. A&H are, well, ass-hat wankers of the first order, but are they really this stupid? This confused? It doesn't actually seem possible. They seem to have put so much thought and effort into everything else to try to reasonably sell this poorly conceived plot point. Maybe it really is all about Jack's hetero-sexual-ity and Jer-bear and Disney's mutual fear of gay pirates (but seriously, have they been on the ride, it's riddled with them!). And maybe I'm just the crazy woman on the street corner muttering about conspiracy theories and the end of the world (hee, I'm punny!).

And have I mentioned how much it 'vexes' me that I'm still going on about all of this, sheesh. I'd love to be wanking about the few J/W moments we did get, or trying to write craptastic J/W porn. But nooooo, I'm still wanking this fucker. Damn those bastards to hell, they are so going to owe me for therapy.

woe, pirates!, fandom, supernatural, potc

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