Torchwood, yeah! \o/

Jun 02, 2008 22:05

I finished watching my shiny new Torchwood DVDs the required 863* times.

*might be slight exaggeration, but only slight.

So the series one box set is pretty thuper! All thirteen episodes, all thirteen Torchwood Declassified, little bibs and bobs of almost all episodes through out (one highlight is JB singing 'Anything Goes - Torchwood version' on the 'Captain Jack Harkness' dancehall set at the end of 'Torchwood: On Time' *iz total showtune geek*).

There is commentary for every episode, though it took me forever to figure out how the fricken thing worked *iz dumbass*. All the commentaries are quite good, and everyone is very, er, 'British'. All of the leads, with the exception of Naoko Mori (who did none), did two each. They are all quite charming and witty, except Barrowman, who is mostly just bawdy, and has a disturbingly evil giggle (he slips into the brogue at least once, \o/, insulting another Scot). Everyone loves Kai Owen, which makes me ridiculously happy, 'cause I totally love him too. Long Live Rhys.

JB is also complete incoherent in trying to explain something that seems to be along my own thinking for 'Captain Jack Harkness'. I found it kinda weird how in all the little blurbs over this episode that everyone is ranting and raving about 'tru wuv', which was just not what I took from that episode. Which isn't to say that it isn't a 'love story', that Torchwood!Jack isn't completely taken with and attracted to Real!Jack, he obviously is. But I just don't think it's as cut and dried as love-at-first-sight, that's just to simplistic.

T!Jack knows that R!Jack is 'dead man walking', he stole his identity and perverted his history. There is guilt, uncertainty, sadness and attraction all balled up for T!Jack. And while T!Jack is fairly active in trying to make sure that R!Jack does what he can to 'live' on his 'final' night, he's pretty passive in their 'relationship', letting R!Jack make all the moves and dictating how things go. I kind of interpret a lot (but not all) of this as more of the same, T!Jack willing to give R!Jack what he wants and needs, a dying man's wish.

If it wasn't R!Jack's swan song, who knows what would have happened. But I have a hard time buying R!Jack as T!Jack's end all be all. All the other people we've seen as those T!Jack get all het up about, Gwen, Estelle, Ianto, and even John Hart, are all significantly more 'lively' (no pun intended) than R!Jack. It's hard to judge considering how and when we meet R!Jack, but he does come across as significantly less feisty than T!Jack's regular flavour of plaything.

Obviously I'm pretty invested. But I have to admit to wanting to avoid the fandom. I'm feeling a little gun shy what with the 'thought police' in PotC and general nuttiness of SPN. And some of the stuff I have seen, including an in depth discussion on how fat GDL is, a 'JB wears a wig/ZOMG no he doesn't, take that back' debate, and a 'JB is gay/ZOMG no he isn't, take that back!' discourse (that one actually had me in stitches, rotflmao fur realz) are not encouraging. Not to mention all the debate about Janto and whether Jack is an evil manwhore or a misunderstood saint or whether Ianto is a sex toy or a boyfriend/love-of-life.

Not that these discussions shouldn't happen, they should. Just recent experience, and a penchant for pessimism, tells me it will degenerate into name-calling and wank (if it hasn't already). And honestly, while I love this stuff (Janto), I have no idea where I stand on any of it. I've actually changed my mind repeatedly over when Jack and Ianto's 'relationship' started, it seems to vary with my mood, or with fic or meta, or with which episode I just watched and how I was feeling when I watched it.

I'm also really wary of being Joss'd or Kripke'd or whatever the Torchwood equivalent is (Davies'd? Torch'd?) because I love the whole Jack/Ianto thing, but they have already proven willing to kill off any and everybody. It's entirely possible that they will cut my squee off at the knees.

Although I am glad that there are rumours that Burn Gorman will be returning for series three in some manner, because as much as Owen occasionally irritates me, much like Gwen does, (possibly because they are the only ones to get really strong character arcs in the first two series and so there is more to be irritated by), I kinda love Burn a lot and suspect that I will or would miss him more than Naoko.

Most of my boys made the AfterElton hot 100, Orlando is at 65, Johnny at 50, Jared at 43, Jensen at 13, GDL at 11 and JB at 2. Apparently I have similar taste to gay men everywhere.

Also, GDL is freaking adorable. For all that he apparently takes a lot of heat from his friends for making a living kissing another man (he still probably walks out of the pub with more numbers than the rest of them put together, at least partially because he makes his living kissing another man) he's all kinds of willing to be cheeky. His quote at getting eleventh spot in the above; "I understand I'm underneath John Barrowman, which seems to happen quite a lot. Maybe, next year, Ianto can be on top." Ccoupled with his claims that there would be no fight between Captain John Hart and Ianto for Jack because it would turn into a "Captain sandwich with Ianto filling, toasted" just makes me smile and love him a lot.

pirates!, ranty mcrantpants, fandom, torchwood, supernatural, potc, random

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