I'm pissed. I bought five (good god, yes, five) pairs of shoes yesterday, pretty much all summer-y and we got like ten cms of frickin' snow today. Ten cms, stupid Alberta.
But, shoes! Let me show you the pretty. First purchase of the evening,
T bought them in white and now we're shoe buddies. \o/.
Ridonkulously cute shoes, and yes I bought both colours *facepalm*. It was BOGO and they gave me five bucks off because they didn't have them in the first store and we had to travel. Bastards.
Purchase number four, and the most expensive. Freakin wedge Crocs. Love. And the last completely unexpected, but totally awesome. Chucks! Leather Chucks. Awesome.
So this is the song I'm current listening to rather obsessively.
Pinata Novia by Steve Carlson. Apparently my Supernatural is showing.
So Steve Carlson is the one sing-y music-y types that the SPN fandom is so crazy about that I'm not sorry to have been turned on to. He's a decent artist, with a nice voice and, apparently, a penchant for perving on fangirls. Go Steve.
Kane is okay, at least what I've heard, Christian Kane has a decent voice and well, Carlson's mostly a part of it. But, they may be a little too country for my tastes. Which isn't to say I don't like country, I do like some of it, but too much and I get squirrely.
Jason Mann's on the other hand, I really do not care for. With the exception of his cover of 'Crazy Love' which I like, at least the 'original', un-Ackled version, better than the Van Morrison original. But the rest of his stuff is pretty, well, awful, uninteresting, unoriginal and boring, he's an uninspired singer and if the stuff he's recorded is any indication, a mediocre songwriter.
Crazy cakes and slightly horrifying rambling of a fangirl. So more wank in the SPN fandom, once again about how horrible Wincest and RPS are. Despite the fact that I occasionally read both, I actually have a fair number of issues and squicks with them and I totally get people not liking either. I also get the frustration of feeling like fandom produces nothing but what you abhor (hello, Sparrabeth). But I don't get attacking those who do enjoy it, equating them to serial killers, pedophiles and other horrible things. Or going to conventions and constantly bringing it up to the cast and crew in an attempt to get them to condemn it so that you can be 'right' and have a 'legitimate' tool to get people to stop doing things you don't like.
And the above link, she complains that folks call her homophobic because she doesn't enjoy two men having sex. Sweetie, they're not calling you homophobic because you don't like the idea of two men having sex, but because it seems like you have real issues with two men having sex. Condemning slash as deviant and suggesting that it should have 'stayed underground', shows a distinct lack of understanding and tolerance.
Have your little safe haven on your journal, it's your right. But maybe while you ask people to question 'shining a light on the wrong things', you should think about the what lights your shining and what you want to force back into the shadows, and why.
I need to paint my toenails pink so they match all my pretty new shoes. Whee!