I wish I were an Oscar Meyer weiner.

Oct 21, 2007 21:06

I think it's time for me to find a new job. I've spent so much time over the last couple of years trying to figure out my thyroid issue and dealing with buying a condo that only now when things are sort of settling down that I notice that my job, is sucking my will to live.

I fucking hate writing a resume, detest going to interviews and the thought of starting a new job and having to re-learn everything makes me nauseous. This may be a work in progress.

Thursday's Supernatural 'Bad Day in Black Rock' has reaffirmed my faith in teevee. Sad, I know, but so much stuff I have previously enjoyed has sucked so freakin' hard this year that this just makes me feel a little better. I love that the boys were actually talking (arguing) at the beginning of this episode. Sam admitting that he hasn't stopped trying to figure a way out for Dean and Dean acknowledging that he's Sam's weakness. I suspect that Sam and Dean will be arguing about Ruby for some time to come.

And then the fun began. This is the funniest of the 'fun' episodes so far an it included actual plot advancement, good stuff. JP was brilliant with all of poor Sam's suffering, nervous of the 'good' luck and down right adorable with his 'bad' luck. He lost his shoe, I just about died, and sitting in the hotel room as the A/C started on fire and him knocking himself unconscious fighting with the curtains, very, very funny. And Dean, the long suffering older brother, he's 'Batman', hee.

Bela is okay, I guess, but the actress was just not working for me. I can pretty much pinpoint the exact moment Alona Tahl lost me with Jo and if I end up disgusted with Bela I will be able to point back the scene with her on the telephone with her buyer, it was just awkward and not terribly believable. I'm a little surprised, I expected to like Bela better than Ruby and so far Demon!Chick is in winning.

I do find it frustrating that everyone is all over Sam about his not telling Dean about Mary. Not that I think that Sam is in the right here, but I sure don't remember anyone getting all over Dean last year when he was keeping his secrets then, although there did seem to be quite a bit of 'poor Dean', there seemed to be very little criticism of his not telling Sam (more fannish griping about not know what he was keeping from Sam). And it really gets to me when people are bitching about Sam's secrets and justifying Dean's in the same breath. Right now the only difference is that we know what Sam' secret is, while we could only guess at Dean's last season.

Both boys kept/are keeping their secrets for the same reason, to protect the other and out of loyalty to a parent. It is entirely possible that Sam is not telling Dean about Mary because he wants to know more, like whether or not she was a victim or a willing accomplice, before he drops this particular bomb on her oldest son's, less-than-a-year-too-live, adoring head. There is plenty of suggestion that Sam is having a hard time dealing With the 'Mary' implications and he is fully aware of the fact that he is less vested in Mary than Dean is. He isn't keeping these things from Dean out of selfishness (which seems to be what at least some are suggesting) but to protect Dean and keep this stuff from hurting him unnecessarily.

It is not completely outside the realm of possibilities that all of this is a result of something Mary did (which also would explain why Sam, the younger son, is being referred to as the 'Boy King'). Dean would not be open to this possibility, he just wouldn't. Out of everything he could have said when he killed the YED, claiming that that was 'for their mom' combined with the suggestions last and this season that he is embracing and acknowledging John's ass-ness, and that she was the one alive in Dean's 'dream' world from WIAWSNB is telling.

And I would like to point out that while everyone is bitching about Sam's secrets, Dean is keeping his own counsel over the whole 'not 100% Sammy' shtick the YED was selling him. The suggestion in BDiBR, that he has been asking Sam repeatedly if he's okay, suggests he's given it more than passing thought. But it seems when Dean keeps his secrets he's a big, shiny, self-sacrificing hero, Sam does the same and he's a whiny, self-centered, self-serving, she-bitch.

And gripe number two, why are so many wondering why Sam waited to research Mary? There was never any indication, for him anyway (us, the audience, is a whole other bad 'o beans), that she was in any way involved. He was raised with her as an untouchable and sainted figure, in the pilot, his mere suggestion of not respecting and toeing the family line as far as she's concerned gets him thrown up against a bridge support, and he later recants his grumblings. The idea now, that he should have known and been investigating is ridiculous, there was never even any hint of wrong-doing from other mothers of the 'kids' much less her. So why would this have even been on his radar? Not to mention that Dean would have likely thrown him into another bridge or wall or from the Impala at high speeds at the slightest hint that he would question Mary or suggest that she was involved, in anyway, in any of this.

This is one of my favorite pictures right now. Just. Love.

blather, pic spam, fandom, supernatural, work

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