Jan 05, 2005 16:24
He's right.
I can't spend what time I have left thinking that I only have this much time until I die. I'm still alive. Happily and thankfully still alive.
I've been thinking about that without really thinking about it the last few days, actually. His words just crystalized what it was that I couldn't quite place while I watched this small egg nestled in my room, waiting for a new life to be dependent upon me. It was a rather daunting prospect.
Joulaim called it hope, and how could I refuse it from him when my life, quite literally, rests in his hands? Still, it worried me. How could I do this? I told him to give it to someone else. He wouldn't hear it.
I'm glad. For once, I'm thankful my best friend wouldn't listen to me.
I've got a few things to think about again, to mull over in my head, but I'll be around more often. Truly, I have not been living my life since I went into training and first saw her. It is time to let her go and start living again.
I must live, for Tannibrath's sake. Even if I cannot live for mine. It's a start.