Apr 12, 2008 11:38
Here is the deal. Barack was making a statement at a fundraiser in San Francisco in which he said the following
"But the truth is, is that, our challenge is to get people persuaded that we can make progress when there's not evidence of that in their daily lives. You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
And now, pouncing on the smallest morsel of controversy, both McCain and Clinton are lashing out, saying Obama was being insensitive. But let’s really look at this, folks. Barack Obama has been running a high class campaign for months, and it just goes to show how far his opponents have to go to harpoon him when a statement like THIS gets media attention as being reprehensible.
You wanna know why Barack Obama is President material? Firstly, this statement is wholly true. It’s an honest, bold, and brave thing to say. He’s making a point. He’s stating his opinion. He’s fostering a FUCKING IDEA, and backing it up. Just because the collective country might enjoy their guns and religion too much to want to hear the argument that guns and religion are examples a warm blanket for a blue collar society soaked head to foot in tradition, doesn’t mean it isn’t true, and it doesn’t mean it’s insensitive to introduce the discussion. Nor is it insensitive to promote the idea, within this specific context, that middle class America is bitter towards a government that failed them.
Hillary Clinton responded with “ It’s being reported that my opponent said that the people of Pennsylvania who faced hard times, are bitter. Well, that's not my experience, as I travel around Pennsylvania, I meet people who are resilient, optimistic who are positive, who are rolling up their sleeves.” Bravo, Hillary. I don’t see the gears running overtime there at all, searching for the most juvinle way to spin the situation. Because I’m sure Obama meant that he only sees bitterness. That’s what he meant. He meant he only sees the bad in America.
A McCain spokesman said “It’s hard to imagine someone running for president who is more out of touch with average Americans.” Well, to that I say... at least Obama knows that Iran isn’t training Al-Qaeda. Sooooo, yeah.
Time and time again, that’s the classy difference with Obama. With his statements, even his controversial statements, you get the idea that a national dialogue is being thrust into the spotlight, and although we haven’t really been used to that sort of sentiment from our leaders, I don’t think it will take us too long to remember what it’s like to care enough to debate. The other reason Barack Obama is Presidential is that after the fire started from his comments, his response was “I could have said it better.” He OWNED what he said and, with dignity, took responsibility.
Yes, I’m kissing Obama’s ass. Why? Because I’ll take a liberal elitist who’s gaffs make me think over the rest of the malarky any day. Politicians love for you to listen to them until they say something they didn’t mean to say, at which time they always grin and pass it off, as if we weren’t supposed to really be taking them seriously. At the end of the day, though, you’ve got a microphone right in front of you and a camera pointed right at you. You are ASKING to be heard. I’ll take Obama over patronizing falsehoods (bear in mind McCain didn’t just said Iran was training Al-Qaeda, he began that incorrect statement with “ IT’S COMMON KNOWLEDGE...”, or suspicious hyperbole (Yeah Hillary, the sniper fire wasn’t that dangerous, nor was the landing ceremony canceled, but you fixed it all by reminding us you were tired when you made those statements... Sure glad you want to be the person at the phone at 3 AM.) At least with Barack Obama, he’s asking America to face something head on. And that’s change we can believe in.
PS- not to completely destroy the tone of my message, but this would have been a much better written essay if I didn’t waste time this morning masturbating. I’m just saying.