The Lie Meme
Make a list of 10 statements about yourself:
* 4 of the 10 statements must be lies.
* Post your list and have people guess which four are lies
1. My first experience of sexual intercourse was at age 15.
2. I have been drunk three times in my life.
3. I am unable to solve a Rubik's Cube.
4. I have stolen something from a convience store.
5. I have committed three felonies in my life.
6. I have cheated on a test at college.
7. I refuse to eat anything white
8. I have used the 7 words you aren't allowed to use on television in my normal speech.
9. I prefer hard pillows to soft.
10. I was born under weight, in part due to the fact my mother did pot while pregnant with me.
Anyone who can guess the 4 lies deserves a treat.
Credit goes to
lynari who guessed 3/4 right on her first attempt.