Dont make me look bad, make yourself look bad

Aug 30, 2003 00:36

did anyone else find the madonna/britney spears kiss offensive?
i was so fucking annoyed by it.
i hated britney before but now...
and madonna...i mean really, does she have any respect for herself?
i am sick of all of the lesbian exploitation.
it's rediculous.
maybe some people found it hott, but theres nothing hott about seeing a married mother make out with some whore.

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2003-08-29 21:13 (link)
I'm more offended by the word 'whore' being thrown around; used as a derogatory term, attached to pop stars for being sexy.

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2003-08-30 00:04 (link)
I personally use the term in both ways and depending upon the context.
Whore mentioned in this post: pop stars who are not sexy, who are fake, etc,.
But that's just me.

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2003-08-29 22:06 (link)
Although my thinking used to be a lot along the same lines as yours, in the space I'm at now, I actually agree with the other commentator - that my initial reaction to your post (as a sex worker & feminist) was more offended by your calling Britney Spears a whore as a derogatory term than by the kiss itself. Why shouldn't girls have fun with girls? And you don't know that Madonna is monogamous, do you? Why can't mothers be sexy too? And Britney is cute. ;)

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2003-08-30 00:17 (link)
Very articulate. Nice. I appreciate a good arguement.
I kind of addressed the whore word in my respsonse to seivasadism other than that:
My frustration lies in the fact that the kiss (in my not so high opinion) was not about two girls having fun and kissing, it was about showing off. It was about Madonna not having any other way to shock people (because she's already done everything, including this). Certainly, I don't know if the relationship is monogamous or any of her personal business or reasoning, but the thing is that this isn't about her personal life or what means anything to her really... It was a kiss, to shock people, to further exploit lesbians and sell records. This would be all fine if this did not have an affect on every lesbian in the world.
Being as pro-sex as I am, I also see the opposite arguement for everything I wrote above, so everyone may feel free to tell me everything I already know however, I still cannot help but feel that this was nothing positive at all and I was very dissapointed in Madonna's decesion to behave as such.
I will say that, YES Madonna is very sexy, and YES many mothers are even sexier than Madonna (there is nothing more beautiful) oh, but Miss. Spears is not so cute in my eyes.
:) thanks for your response.

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2003-08-29 22:18 (link)
I found that very hott, especially when she kissed Christina A.. I am to a bisexual mom, and i found nothing offensive about that. We moms have to have a lil bit of fun!

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2003-08-30 00:21 (link)
I'm all for the mom thing, damn that comment was totally taken in a crappy way. I totally agree that mom's can have fun -- I wasn't stabbing at that... I will say that my post was, uh, not worded the best as I have managed to offend more people than I intended.

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assumptions, assumptions
2003-08-29 22:44 (link)
Being married, or a mother, does not necessarily preclude being available to, or interested in, kissing (or doing any number of other things) with people who are not one's spouse.
And, whatever you may think of Britney Spears, I agree with the above posters that the use of the word "whore" as a derogatory term to describe someone - especially a woman, in this culture, in this time - who is overtly sexual is troublesome. Policing women's sexuality and sensuality has certainly been a popular pastime for most of the last, oh, thousand years or so, but those who guard the egdes of that box are also often standing at the gates of gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, et al.
Britney's ability to prance around in her underthings and call it entertainment is a direct result of the same kind of (relatively) newfound sexual agency for non-men that allows me to be a queer and a big bulldagger, so even if I don't necessarily want to watch it, it seems to me like the same kind of slippery slope that free speech is: I don't want to discourage her, lest the next person to get "discouraged" be me.
::stepping down off soapbox::

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Re: assumptions, assumptions
2003-08-30 00:27 (link)
"assumptions" noted. although they had already gone through my head.
(i love when people think I am stupid).
however, being pro-sex, women's sexuality and sensuality etc,. I do agree with yr statement on Miss. Spears, however, I also feel that before we can advance in that area, there needs to be a serious change in how people view sex and there needs to be a positive advancement. I do not feel that pop stars running around in their underwear is the start.
The problem is not the pop stars, it's the viewers.
Although all of us commenting on this page have this knowledge, most people watching MTV are not sensitive to these issues, or even aware that they exist.

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Dont make me look bad, make yourself look bad
2003-08-30 00:31 (link)
Well, for many reasons I couldnt disagree more with these comments and agree more with you Kelly. But, before I continue I must ad that I dont have cable, dont watch t.v., and dont liston to the radio, so I did not witness the event first hand. But, what did happen was I heard about it, being known well as a lgbt-rights (and human rights activist in general) by many. The thought of such an event at first simply puzzled me. I couldnt help but be lost between the millions of contradictions i found within it all. First of all, dont those teen-bopper pop music singers represent most normal, idealistic, right wing ideas that they want to implant into little girls and boys minds all over the world? Although I am all for letting gay actions be publicly acceptable, this did not seem to be the right way to go about it at all, it made every woman to woman kiss suddenly feel exploited, commercially available, and completely played out and planned by stage directors who obviously are now pimping their somewhat talented entertainers to other singers just for a little bit more attention. and hell, it sure did work didnt it? every teen boy was thinking about it that night and all the girls gossiping about it the next day at school, but why? not because they suddenly feel like its ok, but more because something usually casted out as different, gross, taboo or shunned by their mothers, fathers, and political leaders, was now broadcasted during one of the most watched events on t.v. as kind of a shock and aww with an unaffective "aww." I believe the kiss(es) were completely over raited, planned, heartless, feelingless, insulting and discriminating. its not "more power to them" like if someone had their actual boyfriend/girldfriend and kissed them on t.v. to show pride, no, nothing like that, it was a way to promote that they are sexually sold out by their companies and directors, and enjoy being exploited to the max! its terrible, and i found it extremely offensive. a same sex kiss should not be used and abused by marketers to commercialize their show and shock the viewers into watching, but instead shown in the same light as a different sex kiss would be shown on tv. If it would have been justin timberlake, it would have been treated in a different manner. When i hear about people saying "did you see the vma's? wasnt that gross?" or anything along that manner, it makes each same sex kiss seem more commercially abused then the last. This shoudlnt be the result of women kissing on national television, and i do feel that the way they were sold out sexually by their producers does make them whores, and i do mean whores in a negative intonation. They are the generations pop-prostitutes.

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