Feb 06, 2011 11:45
...it decides to spend the night working out plot problems in Primeval.
I mean that could take a life time :P But there were a couple of things I decided.
1) They need to use a MALP: I mean we have seen anomalies in mid air before including in last nights, up in the air around Kilmainham, so how do they know that were ever Emily's anomaly came out, or any anomaly for that matter it is not somewhere in mid-air? It's ok if if a ground dweller comes through so you can assume its on the ground eg terror bird but nothing came through the Victorian one whose to say it wasn't up in the air over the mid Atlantic.....?
2) Which anomaly opened in the cell? Did the satellites spring up in the same position meaning the bird one kept appearing in the storeroom rather than the cell? Because if it was the terror bird why were there no bits of tourist? Or was it the Victorian one and the yelling was cos a scruffy Victorian wandered through and scared the hell out of him and he is now wandering around a century out of time with no-one apparently giving a shit?
3) What happened to making sure there is no messing around in the past?
Emily can change things now probably with relative ease. We may have a random snap happy tourist in some era and now both bickering Quinn brothers.