Apr 26, 2010 09:18
Well, I just found out that my favorite tea company (Metropolitan) has a million, okay 6, official labels, which they don't put on the packaging. C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partners Against Terrorism), USDA Organic, AudiTech (which keeps an eye on the production of tea leaves into various blends and into packages), Ethical Tea Partnership (which is a tea-only version of Fairtrade and to which Republic of Tea, Twinings, and Tazo also belong), and HACCP (Hazards Analysis and Critical ControlPoints, Another governmental group trying to make life safer in general)
Harney and Sons belongs to 1% For The Planet, in which the company improves their local area, which in Harney's case, is the Hudson River Valley area.
Haven't yet discovered what sort of working conditions Harney's tea sources' workers have, and nothing in regards to Lupicia, Caribou Coffee's teas (their coffees have rainforest alliance stickers), or 52teas.