Oct 11, 2009 17:19
Açy, ou polu meneses esmy Cacheitiaichu, nō Sleweniscai.
Nedēlians-çīes bhaist mocia pirwu polu dines. Āt-lei tad dinio ceinity nō men onleiwu, āt-lei cid, lenu yeuton adicon coucon. Ne, obiswoyītei sen nowai obicolai tā mōistai nēsty pro menes yācu trondu. Zā çy ciēsu spēsu tou yi drougītei sen çon yācamīs preiazileiwamīs osobamīs. Bhācies, wiçan-ge yeuton sāmu.
Mocty nēsty mei xonty uictei slewenisceinon. Tuscion sen pōzītei suoyon ciechisceinon, ātle, tad esty tengumis pirētei āt ne peremuctei sen nō slewenisceinon rinduis yīon tou çluichions. Tomou, nui mulwiom adicoyom çonrugīom slewenisceinans yi ciechisceinans. Açy imsu sei nō porozdy dines cuneigans po Entoneinōi Modrōi ‘Rārowo Nōrondīo’ (Antonín Modr ‘Hudebné Nástroje’) on ciechisceinai. Einu gody ceinu, cistei besēdans on mulwai yīon-ge sen snāgīsi obolostei.
Here, already a half a month I am in Košice, Slovakia.
This Sunday was wat and murky all the first half of a day. Whether the weather has an affect on me or what, but I feel some yearning. No, there is no any difficulty for me to adapt in a new surrounding and place. For the time I could pick some nice persons. However, I feel alone.
Very much I don’t like to be used to speak Slovak. I try to keep my Czech, yet it’s hard to resist and not to change over to Slovak while regularly hearing it here. So, now I communicate in somewhat a Slovakoczechich maslin. Now, I took a book ‘Musical instruments’ by Antonín Modr in Czech. A good way, to read things in a language you want to master.