Flat Flexible Loudspeaker / Ploxu Smougu Orcotātiu

Jul 01, 2009 15:05

A groundbreaking new loudspeaker, less than 0.25mm thick...

...flat, flexible, could be hung on a wall like a picture, and its particular method of sound generation could make public announcements in places like passenger terminals clearer, crisper, and easier to hear.

Pioneered by University of Warwick spin-out company, Warwick Audio Technologies'  the 'Flat Flexible Loudspeaker' (FFL) is ideal for public spaces where it delivers planar directional sound waves, which project further than sound from conventional speakers.

All speakers work by converting an electric signal into sound. Usually, the signal is used to generate a varying magnetic field, which in turn vibrates a mechanical cone, so producing the sound.
Warwick Audio Technology's FFL technology is a carefully designed assembly of thin, conducting and insulating, materials resulting in the development of a flexible laminate, which when excited by an electrical signal will vibrate and produce sound.

The speaker laminate operates as a perfect piston resonator. The entire diaphragm therefore radiates in phase, forming an area source. The wave front emitted by the vibrating surface is phase coherent, producing a plane wave with very high directivity and very accurate sound imaging.

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Einu prolāmileiwu newu orcotatiu, tinius nege 0.25 mm tulsty...

...ploxu, smougu, xayis beit nā stainon zā cuipy wēsienu, āt yeho suoyiscu postompu zuoncodobūta beit obitiā uzwoistītiyā mēstoixu po propoustomu prey letosētiscoixu conoixu cirstwēyes tā yascnēyes slūxāthey tuorīlu.

Piromu sonsādomy-croteiom po Uneiwirseitans Woroweicai, tu Plochu Smougu Orcotātiu (PSO) Woroweiciscu Ouchesinu Oumēneiu esty nōlaipius pro ąbitions storons, sulions ploscoprēminans zuoncohweilīes, uzcuidomans dālies zā zuoncu odu ąbuicienons orcotātions.


Wiçeis orcotāties geionty zā perewirsteią eletriscō boudō on zuoncu. Ąbuicieną, tu boudu esty mainileiwą maguneitopolią rodītei ligomy, cuią on suoyu cieredu imety chuitromāgīmon duiby trenstei, prowedons zuoncu.

Chuitrosty PSO po Worowiciscomu Ouchesinomu Oumēneiomu esty pāsileiwą tuorienu çuboru tinu, somwedontu tā onsrowontu gumotu conānu eiācą smougu leistu, eiuge rouchīmu eletreicomy boudomy imety trenstei āt zuoncu dātei.

Leistu-orcotātiu geiety po dowirchienou purchinou uzzueneliou. Tomou cailā grindātā tocīty sonciēsą, tuoriontī storotocu. Produ hweilīes, eistocīmans trensontīom snādeiom esty onciēsoweislu, rodions plochon hweilion son nāduisocoyom prēmeiwotoyom āt nādutuctinomy zuoncopeiçomy.

Weidis pilnon stātīon engliscois çide:


oucrayina, drém, rar, xuitroba, coxitye, leudi, sferecui

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