A Dream (Einu Draimu)

Jun 23, 2009 23:45

I cannot count many dreams within my recollection and one I dream usually makes a strong impact on me. So, the one I dreamt last night I decided to impart herein.

With a group of persons, many of whom seemed known to me, I spend time in some open field. Someone saw a chestnut tree and asked what people use the nuts thereof for. And I answered that for jobbing or just to collect a handful of them and put somewhere for decoration at home. Also, I said, you can make a gorget of it, for instance. And therewith I immediately tried to make one for my mother also present among others. But, I wasn’t pleased with it. I gave a look on the ground and saw there were chestnuts there. They were just right for the gorget to my mind. And as I bent to start gathering those I could notice they were no chestnuts but tiger’s eye gems, like pebbles - each so fine to pick it up and play therewith - and they lay barely upon the ground. Then somebody noticed an aircraft in the air and we all held our heads up in that way. The sky was garmented with ominous storm clouds. The aircraft sailed afar but seemed large, perhaps freighter. Once it fixed on a point and in a while successions of another lesser aircrafts it commenced to release. They were many swarming in the sky but gradually they filled all the sky space. It was the entire air fleet swiftly spreading to all the corners of the world. So, some were also growing near towards us. They appeared to be no usual aircrafts. They were each large of a prolonged submarine-like shape but with cockup of stern and prow like those at a common boat. They had each several wings but shorter than of usual aircrafts and on their bellies they had a row of huge cogwheels for undercarriage which they didn’t retract airborne. Having landed themselves they could crawl overland even on hills easily.


Çon watāgayom ąsobu, munogans cuians znāom, trouchmos ciēsu on eiācai polai. Decu weidīst einu dru casciēnā āt prāçīst prociu coreistinty çy hąraichu? Odwaitīchu eią-ge pro pādēlā āt-ba prostai birātei eichu gursty ei clāstei eions zā sudobon domād. Tācą-ge, raichu, ligai esty monīstą eiz eichu dēlātei. Āt tou-nu eizmoxu dēlātei einą moyans māteres radei, tā-ge preisontīes çeredei ontru. Āt-le, tad mei ne gādīst. Glensu nā zemy āt weidēsu tondai casciēnons. Oneis ei baichont gody zā monīstą, nā menes. Āt çuclonēus eions birātu onznāsu eią-ge ne baichont casciēneis lenu cāmenes teigreiną ocą, po drobomu wālounomu - cugedo tācu dobru eiu birātei tā çun eiomy yugrātei - āt oneis lenxont prosty nā zemei. Zātaimy, adicu zāmētīst lētācu on nebesei āt wiseis usprensont suoyons zorons tondou. Tad nebos bait weitą grozleiwāmis bourināmis chimourāmis. Tu lētācu ploust po nebesei ądāly āt-le cāzāst sen golomu, raicā tenglu. Rāzu eiu dirgēst sen zā einon tucty āt zā migu cinsu poustītei ceredon ontru miniusiu lētācu. Baichont munogeis raiontes on nebesei āt po mālou pilnīchent wichu nebesy storu. Tu bait adeinu powaitropulcu birzą rostons on wichons contons swoitā. Tuge, adwā eichu steixest do nāsu. Ēwēsont onąbuicenois lētāceis. Baichent cugedo wely ei prodilgā ąbrāzā po podaldei lenu çon cielomy tā curmayom duibomā eiācą rindū aldī. Baichont cugedo ą coleicai creilu lenu corotiu nege ou rinduwu lētācu āt nā breuchaichu dirgēsont po rinduī weleicu xesterineiu zā nosī nezāwolocomu letentes. Preizemiuches sen pulsont zemeiom āt-ge po hulmaichu oudoby.

oucrayina, drém, rar, xuitroba, coxitye, leudi, sferecui

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