Geiwocūpy Quiz Show

Aug 28, 2010 19:51

Smotrēlu esmi geiwocūpy Quiz Show loney. Oly mey norowīti mūdom decid obi yu ūlogīthey side.

Ne ymom side bāthey obixūtu sīes geiwocūpīs. Lenu, decoly yapaniyu do stathīs.

Pirwo: Zirīmo son moyoyom matherīom geiwocūpy sey ātgi mulwīt yaco 'Radeis sonti omerīcienes bursathey wozgrans fhoustans'. Recen men boudīt putowathey. Yēsgi na tad tulcowasu oge ne lenu omerīcienes sonti tou cimstinoi. Un Omerīcay oley beit ūnestu prodi zagalou deyacu cīnowinu broudu moga zūbathey slawon eina mēra cīnowinīca, ta obi tad beit cugido omerīcien dubalu. Ziria meimo dinisyi douxowinosty Omerīcans goday cazathey ogi omerīcienimu bēt peitomo ogi slawa ta citsty celuēca znacietha. Tou, yapom, yugrasont treis cīnīdlā:

1) Cistey omerīcisca naroda, yno, weli mēroyom, leinoeuropiscou einou, cimstino esti socīthey, āt zayu copathey broudu (prodies, stanowinu) onthoromu.

2) Omerīciscu narodu bētu peitomu on poboginostey, ceimy zasadans zasadans citstīs at slawans celuēca sonti dougies oncrēpīmans.

3) Un Omerīcay celuēcu moga yu xotia moget sey dubathey na subogiye. Bez subogiya bo celuēcu ne norowīti slawon tey citsty.

Sey protey, nasiu leudu, po dobay, omeimo, wentiscou, nege socīthey ne proseti ātle opacies einu onthora worowistwo cruwonti.

Za Somwoitiscīnans yz routsisca leuda bēt outitrensena wixaca poboginosty, āt seimu mēra godinotu sunorowa. Ba, sīes godinotes (po onamu) bent on tā dobā. Lenuge oley tu 'zatēwu' (seirēcty Somwoitiscīnā) bēt yrien, stat leudu bez pospora obi yacans sunorowi godinotans. Bo za Perestroyicans onu moudet, do slowa, cey ūgeithey. Somwoitiscā dobā yī dobā Perestroyicans yī nunyi dobā nasies crayines sonti naglo zamūdenes namēroi pirwi loudīthey ta tuscīthey oucrayīniscu leudu, at potoimu leixīthey yu slabu, teriēlu ceuwu suoyes godinostīs, puwinotes tey citstīs.

Nū, ūslēdu sey esti tacu ge nasiu leudu heti ne bawīti worowistwo nasiu cīnowinīcu. Leudeis patria at woidia oley yacu rendowicu esti oulīcien na zulocīnoy lenu yzduxnonti ātle wixoi mulcenti. Tad esti rozboru mediou namīs tey omerīcienuis cey leinoeuropienuis.

Onthoro: TV esti nayi boliux slouxīscie swoita.


geiwocūpy - movieprodies - especially
norowīt (dative case follows) - appeal, please
loney - recently
bāthey - narrate, reffer, retell
obixūtu - content
sīes - of this (fem.)
lenu - only, but
decoly - some, few, several
yapaniye - reflections, thoughts. speculations
do stathīs - thereat, apropos
mulwīt (past simple tense) - (he/she) said
radeis sonti - (they) like, (they) are keen on, (they) are used to
omerīcienes - Americans
bursathey wozgrans fhoustans - dig up the dirt on someone
wozgra - dirty
fhousta - linen, underwear
recen - said (thing, words)
men boudīt (past simple tense) - awoke me
putathey - to think
yēsgi - now I
tulcowasu (past simple tense) - (I) explained; (I) argued: (I) commented
ne lenu omerīcienes sonti tou cimstinoi - this concerns not only Americans
būthey cimstinu cey - to be concerned in
cey (dative case of 'cid') - to what
oley - if, when
beit - would be
ūnestu - brought out
prodi - before
zagalou (dative case of 'zagalu') - community, public
deyacu - some, of any kind
cīnowinu broudu - deskbound dirt
moga - able
zūbathey - shatter
slawon (accusative case) - reputation
mēra cīnowinīca (genitive case of 'mēru cīnowinīcu') - of an influential clerk/ officer
mēru - great, important, mighty, significant
obi tad beit cugido omerīcien dubalu - every american would pay attention at this
dubathey obi - pay attention at
ziria meimo - despite of, in spite of
dinisyi - today (adjective)goday cazathey - worth to mention, worth to say
omerīcienimu bēt peitomo - it was inherent of Americans
celuēca - of a man
znacietha - (they two) matter
yugrasont (past simple tense) - (they) played (a role)
cīnīdlā - factors
cistey (dative of 'cisty') - to the set of mind
yno - like, as
weli mēroyom - in a great measure
leinoeuropiscu - West European
cimstino esti socīthey - have a nosing on streak
āt zayu - and therefore, and hence
copathey broudu onthoromu - dig up on others
stanowinu - officiary
bētu peitomu on poboginostey - was brought up religious
ceimy - with what, by what
zasadans - principles
dougies - especially
oncrēpīmans - strengthened
sey dubathey na subogiye - to earn for himself for well-being
ne norowīti slawon tey citsty - doesn't care about reputation and dignity
sey protey - opposit to it
po dobay, omeimo, wentiscou - as, bytheway, Russian (people)
po dobay (dative case follows) - like, as
omeimo - bytheway
nege socīthey ne proseti - not only is not used to nose on smb
proseti - is used to
ātle opacies - but moreover
einu onthora worowistwo cruwonti - cover up for each other
worowistwo - corruptness
bēt outitrensena - has been shaked out
āt seimu - and therewith
godinotans sunorowa - moral values
sunorowu - good moral
ba - well, of course, not
po onamu - like those
bent - (they) were
on tā dobā - in those times
lenuge - only
zatēwu - programme, plan, project
bēt rilu - has been failed
rilu (l-participle of 'yrthey') - fail, disrupt
bez pospora - without a ground
moudet (past simple tense, of 'mūsthey') - thought about to
cey ūgeithey - how to survive
naglo zamūdenes namēroi - deliberate intentions
pirwi - first, firstly
loudīthey - dumb down
tuscīthey - debilitate
teriēlu - (having) lost
puwinota - confidence
ūslēdu sey - result of this
esti tacu ge - so is it that
heti - away, at all, absolutely, totally
patria at woidia - watching and being aware of
rendowicu - officer, clerk, minister
esti oulīcien - is criminated
slouxīscie - auditorium, class-room

oucrayina, drém, rar, xuitroba, coxitye, leudi, sferecui

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