Aug 26, 2010 04:27
Preisinu prawopeisy oucrayīniscans mulwes ne woicīti sun yīes rēctinomy cazomy peismā.
Woistu esti oge yda granīti eino slowos sommūcomy tā ontoro cineti sommūcomy āt dulgīti mediou yeu 'і' za sompoyicon pisathey. Yda granīti ge eino slowos sommūcomy tā ontoroge cineti golosnoyom āt dulgīti 'й' za sompoyicon pisathey. Yda granīti gi eino slowos golosnoyom tā ontoroge cineti sommūcomy dulgīti 'та' za sompoyicom pisathey. Tad samo tūceti yu wolon mediou 'в' tā 'у', 'з' tā 'із'.
Prostota sī esti lagodīyom (oustinans) mulwes radiena. Ou, de ney padois āt wixonde - po stulbinoixu lipicoixu ātgi do ourindinu preilogu desīmo grebaniye sīemīs prostotamīs. Bā, ceuthey on pīsixu muluowoidinoixu desīmo pilno tacu xūbu! Cay einu cita sīcon pisany po soboy ne ceueti yho talowosty?!
P.P.: Esiēt wasu loity mey turcīs side ne dēdthey bo leubo esti toho pinsthey on Wobey.
preisinu - present
woicīti sun* (instrumental case follows) (sun* - put before a word beginning with a vowel) - correspond to
rēctinu - real, actual
cazu - way
woistu esti - (it) is known
yda [dɒ] - whether, if
granīti - ends, is ended
cineti - begins, starts
sommūcu - consonant (sound)
āt dulgīti - then it should, then there must
medieu yeu* - between them (yeu * - dual neutral genitive case)
za sompoyicon (accusative case feminine gender) - as conjunction, literally 'for conjunction'
ontoroge (neutral gender) - the other one, another one
golosna - vowel (sound)
tad samo [tɔ `sɒmɔ] - the same
tūceti (accusative case follows) - relates to, is related to, concerns
wolon (accusative case of 'wola') - choice, case, wale
prostota - custom, usage, principle, rule
sī - this (feminine gender)
lagodīyom (instrumental case of 'lagas', feminine gender) - convenience
(oustinans) mulwes (genitive case of 'oustina mulū') - (spoken) language, literally 'oral language'
radiena (feminine gender, agreeing with 'prostota') - forseen, provided, called for
ou - however, yet
de ney padois - wherever you (see, look, go), literally 'wherever you would (not) set foot'
wixonde - everywhere
po stulbinoixu lipicoixu (locative case of 'stulbinu lipicu') - from post stickers
ātgi do ourindinu preilogu - (down) to official documents
desīmo - we find, we meet
grebaniye sīemīs prostotamīs - neglect of these rules
bā - (here) moreoverceuthey - even
on pīsixu muluowoidinoixu - in (the) linguistic notes (i.e. texts)
cay - really?, is it possible? la!
einu cita - one who reads, one readingsīcon pisany - such written (thing), this (what is) written
po soboy - after himself
yho [hɔ] - its
talowosty - twist of a tongue
side - here, hereinesiēt wasu loity mey - let me, literally 'if you would (have) let me'
turcīs dēdthey - put cases, cite instancesbo - because, since, as, wherefore
leubo esti toho pinsthey - one can find as many as one wishes
on Wobey (locative case of 'Woby, woby') - in the Web