Teeheee.....so....I got a package today /o/
and I got mah CHICKYYY XD (they're really sending them in wrong order though >;I people who have ordered before me haven't got theirs X0)
yush..but say hello to Panzerkampfwagen. Yes...it stayed as his name. he will be added in my line of muses (he and Sauerkraut will fight for the title of weirdest name X'D)
I had bad light and I wasnt' really feeling artistic...so you get a few candid shots here, just random but yah..just wanted to take a few pics of Panzer~
oh fun...let the part-changing begin x'D
"I'm not a bunny...I'm a bird >:I"
He doesn't have wig or anything yet X'D though he got eyes now (I have a way to use the pretty blue ones \o/)
oh and hey....anyone interested in a commission-job of Yo-Sd sized uniform? (with short sleeves X'D) Q3Q~<3 I really can't do it myself OTL
there will also be pics of the jabberwocky-twins soon Ö3Ö they got pretty pretty faces from Korone~ <3