First I do nothing with dolls in hundred years...then suddenly...along with Lorenzo coming home..I'm all over them!
haha...so yes. Lore came and he's FABULOUS! Pics soon, he's in a faceup&hooveup-salong atm xD
also....I've revanmped and just went crazy.
1) Bell: I sold the old body and got him a new one...I'm getting a BF Louis for him this week *3* whiitee skinnnn <3
2) I'm thiiis close to finishing Gerwulf's mods. his face is....hahahha...was fun to do >:3 you'll see r eally soon.
+ a completely extra-sudden-wtf-thing
3) I just bought a dreaming Lishe-head. second type. %3 the whole process of thinking about it, pondering about it, seeing my moneysituation, ordering, paying...all happened withing an hour X'D isn't it funny....the girlies prettyhead..and I'll be turning it to a bearded man XD yes...he's going to be Daddy, I mean Berith...
Bell's dad. >;3
So ehh...I have no idea what's going on xD except that Korone...I'll be dropping my load of face up-needy things with a truck to your house some day XDD
hahahhahahha....I'm amd I know it. *rolls in heads*