whooo! I actually got inspired to take pics today. *3* Because Leviathan is luuuuw!
He looks like an evil lil' devil and scheming sneaky-thing at the same time...which is just what I was looking for XD
I love what Korone did with his face and he's such a treat to take photos of *3*
nomnom!! <3
so, here's pics (not so many and a little wobbly ones, but dun care..I'll take more soon xD)
He's borrowing Luci's body, though he has his own hands. :3 (head + hands, only his own body is missing xD)
Oh, and his fringe is actually cut in triangle-shape. It just doesn't show there X3;;
leviathan: "Hellousss..."
Omnomnom. Must take more pics...and of Ran also. I wanna take photoooos *goes wild*
....ok..maybe I'll jsut go to sleep xD