going appart.

Oct 05, 2005 21:40

yahyah...I need tostart posting all the stuff I've taken pictures of. xD

well...here it goes.

yah..first I'll post the horridness that is called 'putting your precious in pieces' XD yah..the first time I tightened his strings.

this really isn't a real tutorial..xD since the pics are random and I just did it my own way..probably wrong..but yah..Eli's working and doing fine, so I quess I didn't do so bad job..XD

so, click to see piccies....and doll-nudity (oh gasp) under the cut. bewaree..xD

Woodoo: now! We're goin to do something fuuuuuunnn!!
Eliel: huh?

Eliel: my GOD! gimme my clothes back!

a moment later:

Eli: you call this fun? in which way?

all the parts (minus one hand)

there's the hand!

and so we have one part ready
Eliel (head in the background): yes! attaaackkk!!

here's a closeup of his head.
Eliel: I'll stare you to death.

on the side.

Insiiiiide. The eyes are hold by the stuff Bluefairy had put in. heh..emptyhead...
Eliel: I heard that! what are you doing back there?! hey? hey!

let's put the cap back on. S-hook to it's own place...

...and the upper torso.

Eliel: my feet..I can touch my feet...

Eliel: grrr...

this is fat he looks inside...
Eliel: some privacy, please.

..and the lower body...

..and legs...

ta-dahh! he stand even more nicely than before!

Eliel: graar! Now, you must give me something...for all the suffering!
Woodoo: ok...just show how nicely you stand and I'll give you something.

Eliel: ok....happy?
woodoo: yes.

Woodoo: there you go.
Eliel: but...but..I allready had this before...
Woodoo: be happy you got it back. hah.

to show how good the strigning did:

before this his legs would've flopped straight down, now he can keep his legs up.yay for that.

also, the ones who have seen him, know that he was really keen on flopping backward (the drama-queen-moment), but now...he can lean back, like this and doesn't fall down. :D (he actually sits really straight when I put him to sit..well, straight. ^^)


Eliel: I'm...not pleased. Never do that again. >:(

yah..that's it...I warned it'd be lots of pics....^^;

yah. I'll post the other photoshoot in a separate message after this one. ^__^ stay tuned..it'll not take long..^_^

tutorial, eliel

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