Yesh. The day is almost over and I still have time to do this:
Happy b-day Leon! It's 8.8. and you've been here for a year. <3
hehe. though...he hasn't been active that much. Of my kids, I've probably photographed him the least. *sad* I had difficulties with him and gladly got him a new faceup sometime ago. His character is still under development (agh he doesnt even have his own wig yet *Sadsad*)
I really love him, though, I love his face and his being. I love the things I've gathered about the character....but he still needs aaaaalot of work.
oh, ad he was actually the only doll of mine who got something from my trip to Canada. a Hard Rock Café necklace. X3
yaps. here's few (crappy lighted) photos I took today:
Leon: yeah, I accept presents. Booze, Playboy bunnies, I'm not that picky.
and just an omake inda shows his intelligence in one pic. Always out there:
Leon: whatwherewhen?
hehe---and to think he looked like this when he came here the firs time:
I'm actually really glad of his changes XD
and just 'cause I think I need to give Leon some more love I wanna pimp him out xD
This was his arrival-story: and these are the few of my fave pics I've taken of him (and also showing his changes):
he's really been through some changes. And I really need a backstory for him. And I really need to show him more attention. *3*