Intervention: Juugo/Sasuke/Karin/Suigetsu Fic

Mar 08, 2009 15:29

Title: Intervention
Author: eli_artemisia 
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Team Taka (Juugo/Sasuke/Karin/Suigetsu)
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Smut, PWP, OT4, Het, and Yaoi
Disclaimer: Series and Characters belong to Kishimoto, Etc.
Warnings: Note Rating and Genre. That should about cover it!
Notes: This was written for the Naruto Kink Meme. The prompt was "Team Hebi Taka Fanservice Sasuke; foursome, sharing is caring." I apologize in advance for any spelling/grammatically errors. I did my best!

They won’t talk about it.

This is the unspoken agreement between the three of them as they watch their leader descend from the cliff edge with the ocean at his back and tears dried to his cheeks. They fall in line behind him, silent. At his command, they remobilize as Team Taka and agree to continue aiding Sasuke in his never-ending quest for vengeance, because he is powerful and they are stronger by his side.

This is why they won’t talk about how defeated he looks upon achieving his victory against Itachi.

Juugo first observes the way Sasuke distances himself more than usual, especially at night. Sasuke seeks out elevated landscapes and spends hours at a time just staring off into the night sky. Karin notices the subtle changes in his face and body, faint bruising under his eyes and the way his body drags as they make their way towards Kumogakure. She fusses over him not getting enough sleep and mopes when he tells her to mind her own business. During one of those rare nights when Sasuke remains at their camp and doesn’t volunteer for watch duty, Suigetsu swears that he can hear quiet, shaky sobs coming from Sasuke’s sleeping bag

“I’m worried,” Juugo says to them in Sasuke’s absence. “He hasn’t been the same since...”

Karin nods with understanding, her eyebrows drawn together with concern.

“Well, what can ya do?” Suigetsu says, more annoyed than anything. “It’s not like you can sit the guy down and have a heart-to-heart with him”

“God, you’re so insensitive Suigetsu!” Karin yells. “We have to do something. He’s just getting worse.”

They ponder over what they could possibly do to improve Sasuke’s mood. Talking to him about his feelings is obviously out of the question, and while Karin’s suggestion to administer sleeping pills seems like a good idea, they all know well enough that Sasuke won’t take them voluntarily. They consider drugging him in secret, but Sasuke’s so paranoid that he won’t touch anything edible that he hasn’t prepared himself. None of them bother with the option of drugging him by force as they value their lives far too much.

“I hate seeing him so stressed out,” Karin sighs. Secretly she thinks Sasuke’s pitiful look is awfully cute.

“I think he needs time to recover from everything that’s happened,” Juugo says. “Maybe we should stop at a resort where he can relax.”

“That’s a great idea!”

Suigetsu snorts.

“Yeah right. There’s no way he’ll agree to that,” he tells them. “We aren’t supposed to draw any attention to ourselves, remember?”

“Well, what do you suggest,” Karin grumbles, crossing her arms beneath her breasts and tapping her foot impatiently.

“Simple,” Suigetsu says. “There are only two surefire ways to blow off stress.” He numbers them off on his fingers. “One. Kill something, and since Sasuke is so adamant about not killing, your best bet is Option Two: Fuck something. Get him some tail to work his aggression out on.”

This reasoning surprises Juugo. Karin is appalled.

“Are you out of your mind? I’m not going to stand by and let some whore have her way with Sasuke!”

“Who said anything about standing by?”

Karin squeaks in indignation, insulted that he would imply that she is a whore and then,

“Wait. Are you suggesting that I have sex with Sasuke?”

“Yup. It’s your wet dream come true,” he answers. Karin is so mesmerized by the idea that she doesn’t even think to punch Suigetsu for his vulgar choice of words. She stands there dreamy-eyed and blushing until Juugo points out one very important flaw in their plan.

“But…Sasuke doesn’t like Karin.” Karin’s face cracks apart in despair and Suigetsu busts out laughing. Juugo feels bad and tries to comfort her. “Not just you. I mean, Sasuke doesn’t seem to like girls in general.” Suigetsu shrugs.

“Maybe he plays for the other team.”

“No way!” Karin insists. “Sasuke is not gay.”

“Have you ever seen him with a woman?”

“Have you ever seen him with a man?”

“I don’t think this will work,” Juugo intercepts before Suigetsu and Karin’s bickering gets out of hand.

“You didn’t even let me finish!” Suigetsu growls. “Look, Karin doesn’t stand a chance in hell at convincing Sasuke to fuck her, so what I’m saying is that we need to work together.”

“You want us to help her convince Sasuke to have sex with her?” Juugo asks.

“Actually, I was going more for-”

“You want us to gangbang him!?” Karin screeches.

“Pretty much that,” Suigetsu says with a toothy grin.

“ Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You scoff at our perfectly reasonable ideas when your solution is to gangbang him!?”

“Fine!” Suigetsu huffs, thinking his idea was much more sensible than either of theirs. “If you don’t like it then lets just vote. All in favor of talking about our feelings?” No hands. “All in favor of coercing Sasuke into going to a resort and being pampered on by young, attractive hostesses?” Karin’s hand wavers at the thought of pretty girls massaging the tension from Sasuke’s shoulders and hand-feeding him gourmet meals. “All in favor of fucking Sasuke?” Karin’s hand shoots up and Suigetsu lifts his own triumphantly.

“I want nothing to do with this,” Juugo says. “You’ll only upset Sasuke more this way.”

“C’mon! Majority rules Juugo. You can’t back out on us now. It’s gotta be all or it’s nothing.” Juugo shifts uncomfortably under Suigetsu and Karin’s eager eyes. He still doesn’t get how either of their minds work, but in the end he surrenders to their insanity.

“A compromise,” he says, and they huddle together to hash out the details of their operation.


Despite the annoyance it causes him, the sound of Suigetsu and Karin arguing has become a constant background noise in Sasuke’s life ever since he first assembled his team. Their fights are virtually the only form of conversation held among the members of Team Taka, Juugo and Sasuke usually being the ones to end them with as few words as possible. Today, Suigetsu and Karin say nothing, and Sasuke cannot enjoy the quiet due to the uneasiness it brings him.

As the sun begins to set, Sasuke orders them to set up camp for the night. Juugo collects wood for a fire and once they have a steady blaze, Karin boils water for a light soup. Their rations are low and Sasuke concludes that they have no choice but to stock up at the next village they come across. When they eat, the silence and uneasiness return.

Suigetsu douses out the fire and Karin stirs the soil and stemming embers.

“I’ll take the first watch,” Sasuke says, moving to stand. Suigetsu and Karin turn to him, but their eyes move to his left where Juugo sits beside him and a large hand on his shoulder halts his movements. Sasuke glances at Juugo out of the corner of his eye and sees that the man is watching him anxiously. Unable to read Juugo’s intent, Sasuke reluctantly sits back down.

“Someone else can take watch, Sasuke. You should rest,” he says, and Sasuke frowns.

“I will decide these things for myself, Juugo.” He rolls his shoulder, but Juugo doesn’t relent. Instead, Juugo stretches his arm across Sasuke’s back and places his hand over the juncture of Sasuke’s neck and shoulder, pressing his thumb into the muscle above his right shoulder blade and pressing. Sasuke flinches and jerks forward, but Juugo’s hand keeps him in place and Sasuke feels the man’s other hand press against his middle back, fingertips working out knots Sasuke has always known were there but never addressed.

“You’re pushing yourself too hard,” Juugo says into the back of Sasuke’s head, causing Sasuke to tense under Juugo’s touch. Too close

“I know my limits. Unhand me.”

“I told you this approach wouldn’t work,” Suigetsu says. Sasuke turns his attention to Suigetsu, a slightly arched eye brow revealing a hint of surprise and confusion He blinks when Karin is suddenly on her knees in front of him, eyes wide and pleading.

“Sasuke, we just want to help you,” she says, and for a moment her face reminds him of a different face. He remembers a girl with green eyes and hair a lighter shade of pink. “We’re your team.” He shuts his eyes and blocks out both girls, and when he opens them again, his eyes are cold and red.

“I don’t need your help.”

“Bullshit!” Suigetsu laughs. “You wouldn’t have recruited us if that were true.”

“Sasuke…” Karin whispers, resting her hand on his knee. Sasuke keeps his eyes locked on Suigetsu and Karin quickly pulls her hand back when she senses the murderous chakra leaking from his pores.

“I’m not going to say it again. Let go of me.”

Juugo looks to Karin, unsure of what to do. Karin, just as unsure as Juugo, turns to Suigetsu. The confident smirk melts off Suigetsu’s face and he meets Sasuke’s sharingan eyes with a bored stare.

“Or what? You’ll kill us?” Sasuke narrows his eyes and the message is clear. No, he won’t kill them. He’s invested too much in them to throw it all away, especially when he doesn’t have any replacements available. However, they are mistaken if they think they can defy his orders like this. Maybe Madara had a point when he criticized Sasuke for his team’s lack of discipline. Right now, Sasuke believes the three of them are due a violent reminder of whose boss.

“Please don’t struggle,” Juugo says. “We don’t want to fight you.”

Seconds pass and no one moves or says anything. The only sound is Sasuke’s harsh breathing until Suigetsu reaches the limit of his patience. Talking is getting them nowhere. He tried to drill it into Karin and Juugo’s heads before that action resonates a lot more loudly with people like Sasuke than words do.

Suigetsu throws his hands in the air with an exasperated, “Fucking hell!” and shoves Karin out of the way. He kneels down and takes Sasuke’s chin in his hand, looking him dead in the eye before leaning in and closing his mouth over Sasuke’s own. Sasuke remains unmoving, revealing nothing and returning nothing just as Suigetsu expects from him, and Suigetsu’s technique is what Sasuke mentally describes as uncharacteristically gentle; a soft brushing of lips and a discreet swipe of tongue followed by a chaste, parting kiss.

Karin is struck dumb by the sight, her curiosity for how Sasuke will react to Suigetsu’s advances the only thing preventing her from ripping the water nin’s head off.

Sasuke keeps his features frozen in an expressionless mask, is eyes sharp and piercing. Suigetsu sits back and challenges Sasuke’s stare with his own, and that brash, brave stupidity of his reminds Sasuke of someone he really doesn’t want to think about, least of all right now.

“Losing a brother sucks,” Suigetsu tells him, and for once, he is serious. He breathes in slowly and his expression darkens. “I get it.”

“Losing your family,” Karin voices softly from beside them. “Being left alone…Sucks too.”

“Losing anyone important to you is painful,” Juugo says, and he massages Sasuke’s back, trying to ease his pain away and communicate just how truly he understands how he feels.

Sasuke wants to bite back that none of them can possibly understand what he’s been through, but he knows their histories. He knows how Suigetsu’s brother was killed, and he knows how Karin lost her family and village. He knows how Juugo’s only friend died for Sasuke’s sake. He is uncertain of whether or not selecting people who could relate to his suffering was a conscious decision on his part, but if he did do so intentionally, why does he reject their compassion? Why does he resist their comforting words and touches?

Sasuke’s body shakes and he thinks, if they really did understand then they wouldn’t be talking about it. He doesn’t want to talk about it, and he picked them because they don’t want to talk about these things either, right? Only now they are, and it’s frustrating. It’s too much like before, too much like Team 7, and he can’t stand that!

“It’s okay to take a break,” Karin says.

“I am not weak,” he grinds out between his teeth, and he realizes he’s no longer looking at Suigetsu. At some point he’s turned his face downward, eyes fixed on the dirt in front of him. He’s stronger than this. He can’t think about Itachi or talk about what happened. He has to occupy his mind with something else. Konoha. Yes, he has to keep focused on his hatred and vengeance and the eight-tailed beast and Madara and Konoha. He lifts his head and repeats it, louder this time. “I am not weak!”

“Hurt does not equate weakness,” Juugo whispers, and all three of them are watching Sasuke. “Pain, compassion, grief, tenderness. None of these make you weak.” Even though Juugo doesn’t say it aloud, Sasuke can hear his claim that these things are what make him human, and he won’t throw those unsaid words back in Juugo’s face. He knows how Juugo values humanity.

“Yeah! I mean, just look at Juugo.” Suigetsu says, much too brightly given the situation. “Orochimaru’s been harvesting his power for years to create super soldiers and the guy’s a fucking kitten!”

Sasuke is well aware of Juugo’s strength. After all, Orochimaru used the promise of the man’s strength to lure Sasuke away from his village in the first place, and in a time before that, he remembers a kind-hearted boy once spared his life when taking it would have been effortless. Regardless, that isn’t him. Or at least, he tells himself that he doesn’t want that to be him.

“So, are we done now?” Suigetsu asks, scratching the back of his neck. “I dunno ‘bout you, but I’ve had enough chit-chat.”

“Hm,” Sasuke agrees. He can’t see how this little intervention of theirs has accomplished anything, but if they are done then he can get back to his watch and not have to deal with them until morning. Only Juugo is still holding him in place and rubbing his back, and now the man’s touches are accompanied by Suigetsu’s hand gliding up his inner thigh. “What are you doing?”

Sasuke’s tone is more accusing than questioning, and Suigetsu’s devious smile is downright chilling.

“Well, now that the bonding shit is out of the way, we can get down to business. Since you’re too stubborn to bow down and actually listen to our advice about taking it easy, we’re gonna help you work off all that stress.”

Not one to be outdone, Karin snuggles up to Sasuke’s side and slips her hand in the opening of his shirt, her palm resting over his heart. She looks up at him; eyes large and bright even in the dark.

“ The best way to rid the mind of stress is to overexert the body until the brain is too exhausted to linger on whatever is troubling it,” she tells him.

There is some truth to this, as Sasuke has often used training and sparring for similar means. Karin gently drags her nails down Sasuke’s chest and nuzzles her face into his neck affectionately.

“Get off,” Sasuke says.

“We’re trying to, but you’re not really making things easy for us.” Suigetsu smirks. “I mean, can you even remember the last time you got any action? Cuz I can tell ya, I haven’t gotten laid in forever. A man has needs.”

“Argh, what is wrong with you?” Karin smacks her lips distastefully.

“What? Don’t act like you don’t want a fuck just as bad. You may think you’re being all sneaky and no one notices, but we are ninja. We can tell when you and your hand are goin’ at it.” Karin gasps, too mortified for words. “For fuck sake, you could at least go do it in private like the rest of us, but I guess you prefer watching Sasuke when you tou-”

Karin’s fist bursts Suigetsu’s face like a water balloon, and she’s on him in a second, pounding his liquid form into the ground.

“Suigetsu. Karin.” Juugo says. Karin pauses with a hand fisted in the front of a partially solidified Suigetsu’s shirt, her other fist aimed for another hit. Sasuke is watching them none-too-pleased, and Juugo’s shoulders sag helplessly.

“Right…” Karin nods, releasing Suigetsu and returning to her place next to Sasuke. Suigetsu shifts back into his human form and cracks his neck, glaring at Karin for good measure.

“As I was saying,” He crouches in front of Sasuke again, and Sasuke is so fed up with all of this nonsense that he rather they just hurry up and get things over with before he snaps and sabotages his own mission by killing them all. Well, he may spare Juugo, sensing that the guy had pure intentions and probably got dragged into this mess against his will the same as Sasuke. Also, he hates to admit it, but the back rub is nice and it’s making him drowsy. “Since we have to keep a low profile, it’s not like we can just head into a brothel and get our fix.”

“This is supposed to be about Sasuke,” Karin growls. “You make it sound like all you care about is sex.”

Suigetsu shrugs.

“Two birds, one stone. So whaddya say, Sasuke?” Suigetsu puts his hand back on Sasuke’s thigh, notable closer to his crotch this time, and squeezes. “It’s nothing but pros for you. Relieve your stress and our stress in the most convenient and enjoyable way possible. Not mention you’ve got prime breeding stock right here,” He jerks his thumb towards Karin who looks like she’s about to implode. “For when you feel like rebuilding your clan and all that.”

The most efficient way to get Sasuke to agree to something like this is to act as though it means nothing, and Suigetsu understands this mindset more than anyone. As long as he insists that sex between them is solely to benefit the physical and mental well being of the team, much like training and meditation, or that it somehow serves in the best interest of his goals with no complicated emotions involved, then there is no reason for Sasuke to feel cornered, pitied, vulnerable, or weak. It’s about becoming stronger and reclaiming control, and all of them know how much Sasuke values control.

The fact that he even considers agreeing to this foolishness makes Sasuke realizes that maybe they have a point. He’s not in the right state of mind, and he can’t think of any alternatives to what his team proposes as a remedy for this problem.

“If this doesn’t work,” Sasuke warns. He doesn’t have to finish the thought. They know there will be hell to pay if this doesn’t pan out, and they also know that his threat doubles as consent. Both Suigetsu and Karin’s faces light up with excitement, and Sasuke already regrets agreeing.

“Trust me,” Suigetsu purrs into his ear, his hand moving to cup the bulge at Sasuke’s crotch and massage him through his pants. “It’ll work.” Karin makes a small, pleased sound in her throat and pulls Sasuke’s shirt open. Juugo moves his hands to slide the shirt over Sasuke’s shoulders; his palms warm against the bare skin of his back as he resumes his work.

Sasuke wants to pretend that he’s unaffected by their touches. He’s stiff and awkward, unsure of where to look or where to put his hands, so he stares at nothing and keeps his hands at his sides. He can feel heat pool in his lower belly and feels Suigetsu untying the string of his pants and wrapping cool fingers around his burning erection. Sasuke’s body jerks involuntarily at the sensation. Karin’s mouth is on his neck, open and sucking just beneath his jaw, and she moans against his skin, sending a shiver down his back that Sasuke hopes they don’t notice.

“Hey Karin,” Suigetsu says, and she cracks an eye open at him. “Why don’t you help me out with this?” He says, tilting his head towards Sasuke’s hardening cock in his fist. Karin releases Sasuke’s throat and presses closer to him, kissing the corner of his mouth. Sasuke reflexively turns away from Karin and notices Suigetsu frowning at her, something possessive flashing in his eyes.

“You do it,” she says, caressing Sasuke’s cheek with the back of her hand.

“But you’re better at giving head,” he tells her, and he presses closer to Sasuke, placing an arm around Sasuke’s shoulders and pulling his body against his own and away from Karin. Sasuke is about to open his mouth and tell them that he doesn’t enjoy being treated like a rag doll, but Suigetsu pumps his cock a few times and Sasuke finds himself leaning further into the embrace instead. “Besides, I don’t think Sasuke wants these,” Suigetsu grins and points towards his jagged teeth. “Near his cock. Eh?” He lifts an eyebrow at Sasuke.

No, Sasuke would rather Suigetsu keep those teeth of his above the waistline, at least for now.

“Karin,” Sasuke says. She looks a bit put out that she doesn’t get to make out with Sasuke like she wants.

“Whatever you want, Sasuke-kun” she says, and Suigetsu’s hand is replaced with her smaller, warmer hand. Karin removes her glasses, setting them aside in the grass, and Sasuke’s eyes follow her as she bends forward and blows gently on the tip of his cock. Again, his body jerks and he grips the back of the girl’s neck with his hand. She moves slowly, teasing the head of his cock with her tongue, sliding wet lips up and down the side of the shaft and murmuring inaudible words against his heated flesh. His hand on her tightens, and he clenches his jaw to hold back the humiliating whimpers threatening to squeeze past his lips. Karin presses the palm of her other hand under his balls, rolling them back and forth, and god Suigetsu’s right. She is good. If only she’d fucking-

Sasuke arches back and his spine feels like it’s going to snap when she finally takes him into her mouth. She swirls her tongue around his length, sucking hard when she pulls back on him only to plunge forward again with more ferocity. Sasuke can’t help it now. His mouth hangs open and his breaths come quick and short, and Suigetsu tilts his head back, stares into Sasukes startled black eyes and leans forward to nip at Sasuke’s bottom lip. He sucks on Sasuke’s lip, tugging it with his teeth and daring Sasuke to fight back, and Sasuke tangles his free hand in Suigetu’s fair hair and crushes his mouth into his.

Unlike their previous kiss, this one is sloppy, loud, violent, and much more what Sasuke expects of Suigetsu. He thinks he may even taste blood on his tongue and Suigetsu tells him, “Try not to come too soon, Sasuke.”

Karin’s mouth is hot and demanding on his cock, and Sasuke gasps in confusion and disappointment when she abruptly stops and stands up. He breaks his kiss with Suigetsu, the two of them watching Karin with matching what the hell expressions on their faces.

Not at all intimidated by either of them, Karin smiles flirtatiously and unbuttons her shorts. Sasuke follows the movements of her hands and she unzips her shorts and allows them to drop down her stocking-clad legs. She draws her fingers up her thighs and over her panties, and Sasuke can see a dark spot spreading just below where she circles two fingers. Her face is a flushed red, chest heaving as she pants and plays with herself, and Sasuke’s cock throbs painfully, begging for attention.

Karin steps closer to Sasuke, wedging her leg between him and Suigetsu and she’s so close that Sasuke can smell how turned on she is when she slowly peels her moist panties from her hips.. She’s all smooth, bare skin, even where he suspected a patch of dark red hair. Karin kicks her underwear off and straddles Sasuke; his cock nestled against the cleft of her ass. She rolls her hips, her eyes fixed on his and alive with desire for him, and Sasuke’s whole body feels tight with anticipation. Now Suigetsu looks put out, and Karin growls that he’s had his turn.

“K-Karin,” Sasuke chokes out, and she lifts her hips and grabs hold of him.

“Sasuke,” she whispers, and her voice is like silk dragged over granite. She kisses along his neck and jaw, back to the corner of his mouth just as before, and she’s breathing in each breath he exhales. “Do you.” Pant. “Want me? Sasuke? Do you. Want to” A long, low moan. “Fuck me?” He swallows and narrows his eyes at her. Too stubborn to answer, he latches onto her mouth instead and she shifts against him, aligning herself and slowly sinking down on him. His groans vibrate down her throat as she sets an agonizing pace, gyrating her hips with each upward and downward motion.

Juugo has long since stopped massaging Sasuke’s back and sits transfixed by the show Karin and Sasuke are putting on in his lap. His eyes wander down the expanse of Sasuke’s back that is now sleek with sweat, short black hair clinging to his neck in damp curls. He twirls a finger in one of those curls and kisses the glistening skin beneath it. He trails kisses down Sasuke’s spine, tasting the salt on him and appreciating the fragile trust given him in that moment.

Suigetsu adjusts himself through his pants, eyes glued to where Sasuke and Karin are joined together and flesh obscenely slaps against flesh. He crawls behind Karin, pushing her hair out of the way and licking her earlobe as he reaching in front of her and tugs at the zipper beneath her chin. She pauses, sitting back and panting while Sasuke does the same. Suigetsu unzips the front of her jacket and she arches her back. He slips the jacket down her arms and unclasps her bra, letting it fall naturally from her shoulders.

Sasuke stares at her. Karin pushes her chest forward, displaying her naked breasts nicked with teeth marks, some of which are faded white scars, others freshly bruised and scabbing over. She finds his hands with hers and brings them to her breasts, urging him to touch her. He squeezes her and when she makes an encouraging sound, he presses her breasts together, using his thumbs to toy with her nipples. She rewards him with a pleasurable moan, rolling her hips forward twice and crying out his name.

“Juugo,” Suigetsu says, his voice husky with arousal. Juugo lifts his hand and sees Suigetsu shoving two fingers in his face from over Sasuke’s shoulder. When the man doesn’t do more than stare, Suigetsu growls, “Suck them,” and Juugo hesitantly obliges, coating Suigetsu’s fingers with a heavy amount of saliva. “Good,” he says, retracting his fingers and adding a glob of his own spit. He hoists Karin’s hips up with his left hand and rubs his fingers down the crease of her ass.

Karin pulls away from his hold on her and scowls at him.

“What the fuck are you doing?” She hisses, and he sneers.

“If you’re going to hog Sasuke all to yourself, the least you can do is share this. All or nothin’, remember?”

She turns back to Sasuke and whines. Sasuke grabs onto her by her upper arms and pulls her down on him, kissing her deeply and opening her further for Suigetsu. Suigetsu presses two fingers into her, and she whimpers against Sasuke’s lips and wiggles uncomfortably. Suigetsu hooks an arm over Karin’s hip, pushing his hand between her legs and brushing the pad of his middle finger over her clit. She shudders and presses closer to his finger, further impaling herself on Sasuke’s cock and the two fingers Suigetsu has up her ass.

Suigetsu scissors his fingers inside her while abusing her clit and making her squirm and moan. He even goes so far as to increase the size of his fingers, stretching her just enough to accommodate his girth. When he is satisfied with his preparations, Suigetsu removes his fingers and unbuttons his pants, freeing his swollen cock.

“Sasuke,” he says, and Sasuke moves his hands from Karin’s arms to her ass, lifting her up and helping Suigetsu to ease her down on him. Karin digs her fingers into Sasuke’s back and bites into his shoulder. Her entire body shakes and she can feel the both of them inside her, their cocks rubbing against each other through her, and despite the stinging sensation in her ass and the dull prodding in her lower abdomen, the thought of Suigetsu and Sasuke using her body to fuck each other is nearly enough to send her over the edge. She focuses all her attention on breathing steadily and relaxing her muscles around the two of them.

The three of them stay like that, giving Karin’s body time to adapt and savoring the way they fit so snuggly together. There is also a challenge in that stillness, one Suigetsu put there when he casually commented to Sasuke to ‘try not to come too soon.’ None of them are willing to give in just yet.

Suigetsu is the first to move, which is nothing new to them by now. He leans back on his elbows and waits for Sasuke to take the hint. Sasuke lifts Karin’s legs over his hips and pushes himself up so that he leans over the two of them. Karin’s back rests against Suigetu’s chest and when Sasuke is sure she has a firm hold on him, he lets go of her and braces himself with his hands on either side of Suigetsu. From behind him, Juugo rubs his hands over Sasuke’s ribs, trailing kissing down to his lower back where his pants hang loosely over his hips. Hands slip under his pants and smooth over his thighs, and Sasuke can feel fabric falling to his knees and the wetness of tongue right above the crack of his ass.

Sasuke looks down at the two face staring up at him. Karin’s eyes are glazed over, heavy and wanting, heat radiating from her flesh, and behind her Suigetsu’s mouth dangles open, panting, with all those pointed little teeth, and Sasuke wants them both and fuck he can feel Juugo’s tongue breaching the tight muscle of his ass. Sasuke knows his face must look the same as theirs and that they are all on equal ground here. They all want the same thing.

He moves forward. Karin screams out, “yes” and Suigetsu closes his eyes in pleasure. Sasuke pulls back and thrusts again, harder, this time biting at Suigetsu’s mouth as he does so. Their lips are barely touching, and Sasuke’s eyes question and command, ‘do you like that’ and Suigetsu grunts out, “yes” and kisses Sasuke.

Juugo’s hands spread Sasuke from behind, his tongue pushing in and out of the wet hole in front of him. He wants so badly to shove his ignored erection into Sasuke right now, but he knows better. He won’t risk hurting him. Reigning in his want for the younger man, he sticks a spit-slick finger into that opening and searches for the one sweet spot that will hopefully have Sasuke reaching the same octaves as Karin. He twists and pokes; occasionally returning is tongue and applying more lubrication to his finger. He adds another finger and is pleased to discover that Sasuke isn’t just pulling out of Karin anymore, but actively pushing himself back onto Juugo’s hand.

Juugo’s fingers caress him from inside with the same gentleness he’s shown Sasuke all night, and when he hooks them and strokes them just so, Sasuke can’t contain the desperate, guttural sound that erupts from his throat. His legs quake and his vision goes fuzzy. He can hardly hear Karin’s quick, uneven breaths as she struggles to speak of her approaching climax over the sound of his heart pounding between his ears. Suigetsu bucks his hips upwards and Karin reaches between his legs and squeezes his balls. He yelps and snarls and comes inside of her. She throws her head back and bashes her scull against his chin; causing Suigetsu to painfully bite through is tongue.

Juugo pumps his fingers in and out of Sasuke, and when Sasuke moves forward, Juugo’s fingers follow. Sasuke muffles the sound of his satisfaction against Karin’s neck as fingers pressing deep inside of him and muscle constricting around his cock wring his orgasm from him. Sasuke collapses on top of Karin, boneless and exhausted, and the three of them lay there in a sweaty heap. Juugo removes his fingers and wipes them off on his pants before reaching out to brush back the hair plastered to Sasuke’s face. He snakes an arm around Sasuke’s midsection and hoists him up into a sitting position, and Karin lets out a content sigh when he slips free of her.

“Sasuke,” she murmurs, tugging loosely on his arms, and Juugo grasps her thin wrists and pulls her forward, Suigetsu propping himself up to help lift her off his lap and into Sasuke’s where she curls up against his chest with half-lidded eyes and a lazy grin. Sasuke leans into Juugo, blinking slowly at Karin. He tilts his head back and stares blankly up at Juugo.

“You didn’t finish,” he states, and a light pink blush stains the Juugo’s cheeks. He tries to scoot back so that his all-too apparent hard-on doesn’t poke Sasuke’s lower back.

“It’s fine,” he says, and Sasuke’s eyebrows knit together with mild annoyance. Sasuke forces his arm in between his body and Karin’s and palms the bulge in Juugo’s pants. He moves his hand back and forth, pressing up and rubbing along the shaft beneath the cloth. Juugo places his arm around Sasuke and holds him close, his lips resting against the younger man’s temple and it doesn’t take very long before Juugo sucks in a breath between clenched teeth and comes. A small, pleased smile flickers past Sasuke’s lips and he closes his eyes.

Suigetsu sits cross-legged and watches his companions wind down. Karin, in nothing but her stockings and shoes, has both arms locked around one of Sasuke’s arms with her cheek smushed against his shoulder. Sasuke falls back into Juugo’s chest, shirtless with pants still around his knees. Suigetsu chuckles quietly to himself, pushing to his feet and buttoning his fly.

“I guess I’ll take watch then,” he says, collecting a large blanket from his side of the campground and draping it over Sasuke and Karin. He starts to turn away when he hears his name being whispered. Out of the corner of his eye he can see Juugo pulling back a corner of the blanket, inviting him to join the other two and sleep along side them.

“I can watch, Suigetsu. You should sleep as well.” Suigetsu puts his hands on his hips and snorts like he doesn’t really care to take the man up on his offer, but does so anyway. He flops down beside Sasuke and Juugo tucks the blanket around him, and he’s really not into this cuddly crap. He really isn’t. His hand just finds its own way to Sasuke’s hip, and his head fits naturally into the crook of Sasuke’s neck of its own accord, and it’s warm and comforting, and so what?

This will just be another one of those things they won’t talk about.

team taka, fanfic, naruto, fanfiction

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