For those of you who aren't in the know: I have a fraternal twin brother. For the most part, this is a pretty cool thing; but it can be tough when one of us (read: my brother) accomplishes something truly spectacular in life and the other (read: me) has to sit around, stewing in a pot of unending jealousy and self-loathing.
Thankfully, this doesn't happen often. In fact, over the years, we've both accomplished so much:
He graduated UCSB with Honors.
I became a 21-year-old "Returning Freshman."
He got a job.
I lost one.
He successfully combined intrinsic artistic abilities with technical know-how, gaining priceless personal and professional leverage in the process.
I grew a beard.
So you see, it's been fairly even--until now. A couple weeks ago my twin brother sent me an email detailing his latest, and greatest, accomplishment. My initial reaction was that of blind, irrepressible envy; which eventually subsided, giving way to your more basic jealous rage. But then I remembered something my brother once told me:
"You know, if I just read your livejournal--and didn't know you in person--I'd probably think you were a pretty cool guy."
And I knew what I had to do...
My Twin Brother's Absolutely Astonishing Accomplishment
In His Own Words (and Pictures)
Life is full of milestones. Your car crossing the 300,000 mile mark is probably the most coveted, yet least often reached. Being the overachiever I am, I've somehow made it happen at the tender age of 23. People have always said I was "special" and "will do something great" -- well this must be what they were talking about.
If you are receiving this, I thought you would enjoy it for one reason or another (my sincerest apologies if I thought wrong). So without any further ado, I present to you all a photographic essay of this most incredible feat:
Oh my god, it's so close!
This was supposed to be a picture of me showing my shock
and surprise at turning over 300,000 miles, but it's more
a picture showing my shock and surprise at how hard it is
to take a picture of yourself while driving.
My odometer was broken for awhile, so my car has actually
gone more than 300,000 miles.
In this picture my car seems like new (maybe it's because
you can't hear it).
Yay! Here's me trying to make love to my car.
And here's something funny I saw while carrying my camera
around today.
Hope all is well! Best of luck achieving all your life goals and dreams!
* * *
It should be noted that I've been dangling a free lj code in front of my brother for some time, but he has stubbornly refused to take the bait, citing such things as "I don't have time," "I have a job" (that one really hurt) and even "I have a life." It's probably for the best though, since my younger brother (
pandoobiest) has not written even a single entry in the livejournal I so lovingly bestowed upon him last Christmas. Perhaps my brothers will never join me in this beautiful thing we call livejournal...
But a guy can dream, can't he?