Update on stuff
Just adding an update to the update, to say that I was foolishly relying on AOL to not put all the emails I actually wanted to read into the spam folder, which turned out to be a big mistake! Should have checked on the journal directly. Thank you so much all of you for your lovely comments, which I will answer now that I know they are here.
Before I lose the url. My fic is now up on AO3. (Which I think is very shiny.)
http://archiveofourown.org/users/ELG/works PERSONAL STUFF: Sorry about how long it's been since I posted here. Briefly, my mother became very ill. I became very depressed. My mother died. (Those of you who met her know what an amazing person she was, so I am finding the lack of her in my life a big hurdle to overcome.) I became more depressed. The medication I was on helped enormously with stopping me wanting to kill myself but was not good for creativity. Am now off medication and can write again. Am grateful both for medication when I needed it and for newly-non-fuzzy brain. Have read more fic in this week than I have in years and am feeling very grateful for fandom all over again. Have also been downloading music videos like a maniac. (Mostly Man from UNCLE to wallow in the glorious nostalgia.)
FANFIC: I'm trying to collect up all my complete fic and post it to AO3 (which is so shiny!) and I did actually finish something this week (an X-Men fic) that made me feel I might get around to completing some other things this year. Still love Daniel and Wesley and all the other pretty boys and their best buds as much as ever. Still hope to write about them some more.
NOVELS: My publisher is now putting out ebooks so hopefully my books will be a lot more affordable this year. Book One of The Charndras is up on Amazon now as an ebook. Because I don't have the length restrictions that I did when the books were being printed (any longer and apparently the covers wouldn't close), I'm able to do revised extended editions, so that's what I'm doing. Hence delays. I was finally able to put the stuff back in about Calun's motley crew in Book Two, so I don't now have to do a big info dump in Book Three. Book Two is due out in July and Book Three in November. Fingers crossed that I make all my deadlines this year. Have also committed to a new fantasy series with the same publisher which is contemporary and involves werewolves and vampires and werecats (and sex). In theory Book One: The Midnight Kind is coming out in November, too, but I'll believe that when I see it. I think next year is more likely. There's a lot of world-building in the first book so it's quite long already and still unfinished. The current schedule for The Charndras is a bit woolly. But I'm hoping 2015 for Book Four.
Thank you to everyone who sent kind thoughts when my mother died. She loved fandom, too, and I know she would have appreciated it. I certainly did.