Title: Failure to Communicate
Author: ELG
Fandom: Buffy & Angel fandom
Category: Post-Sanctuary mid-The Yoko Factor AU fic.
Rating: PG-13 for violence.
Spoilers: Takes place after AtS 1.19 Sanctuary and during BtVS 4.20 The Yoko Factor (the events of which get slightly altered in this fic).
Season: S1 of Angel/S4 of Buffy.
Summary: When Buffy comes back from LA upset about her altercation with Angel, Riley and Xander decide to drive up to Los Angeles to confront the vampire.
Characters: Riley, Xander, Wesley, Cordelia, Angel, Phantom Dennis, Giles, Buffy, Willow.
Part One,
Part Two,
Part Three,
Part Four,
Part Five (final part) Title: Failure to Communicate
Author: ELG
Fandom: Buffy & Angel fandom
Category: Post-Sanctuary mid-The Yoko Factor
Rating: PG-13 for violence.
Spoilers: Takes place after AtS 1.19 Sanctuary and during BtVS 4.20 The Yoko Factor (the events of which get slightly altered in this fic).
Season: S1 of Angel/S4 of Buffy.
Summary: When Buffy comes back from LA upset about her altercation with Angel, Riley and Xander decide to drive up to Los Angeles to confront the vampire.
Characters: Riley, Xander, Wesley, Cordelia, Angel, Phantom Dennis, Giles, Buffy, Willow.
Canon Ship: Buffy/Riley, references to past Buffy/Angel and Cordelia/Xander.
Non-Canonical naughtiness: I seem to have slipped up here and not put any in, but if you squinted a bit you could maybe see Riley/Xander. I’d like to see some Riley/Wesley, but there really isn’t any, which is annoying, as I’m always on the lookout for Riley/Wesley fic.
NOTES: Just me working my way through some of my issues about Angel leaving Cordelia and Wesley alone in LA after what they’d been through with Faith. Also, I really like the friendship between Riley and Xander, and always wanted those two to be aware of what had happened to Cordy and Wesley in LA when Faith turned up there.
Many thanks to
bka0711 for kindly overcoming her Riley antipathy to beta for me. As always, hon, you are a star.
WARNINGS: Can’t think of anything too icky in it unless there are people who are traumatized by Riley or doughnuts. Oh, apart from all the fighting and chopping up of demons and stuff.
DISCLAIMER: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and ANGEL and their characters are the property of Joss Whedon (Mutant Enemy), David Greenwalt (LazyDave), Fox, UPN and the WB networks. No copyright infringement is intended. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author.
Riley-Xander pic