ITS OVER 9000!!!

Aug 22, 2008 18:56

I went to best buy today and bought a 4 gig HDSC memory card for my camera. I'm so happy with it. on the 8 mega-pixel setting i get over a 1000 shots (where before i only got 6), and on the 3 megapixel setting i get OVER 9000! infact, it's over 10000. the counter only goes up to 9999, but taking a few pictures hasnt made it go down yet.

In other news, my Aunt, uncle and cousins are down from Pomfret (NW Conncecticut) this weekend. I love having those little guys bouncing around the house. It's literally impossible to be entirely unhappy or depressed around them, which is good. As much as i do appreciate having jay out the room again finally, it's gonna suck not having someone around to talk to whenever I want, and help fill the time. But ever the optimist, i plan on having tons of fun this weekend, and not worrying about what happens after.

In other, other news, i registered for classes today. I'm only taking 2 unfortunately, since my parents are a little tight on money and still arent sure they want to trust me with a full course load, considering my dismal track record so far. I've got Advanced Comp (which is only regular english comp for you southern people, the one that's a requirement), and Ethics, which will eventually cover my philosophy requirement for southern. only a matter of time till i join you all there.

Things are starting to look up for me. I'm still sad, and lonely, but i'm survivng, and i'm confident that i'll be ok. I just hate being alone, and miss having someone to snuggle to in the dark of  the night. Ah well, nothing for it but to keep on going, and hope i come out ok on the other side. 
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