Some thoughts

Sep 30, 2009 10:48

I've been thinking about scarcity which I think is at the bottom of the Lambda Literary Awards controversy and why the arguments for and against inclusion is so emotionally charged. There aren't that many literary awards out there for LGBT books. The Lambda is one of the only ones that I know of which is why I understand how upset people are finding themselves locked out and how protective people are on the other side of the gate.

Personally I think the Lambda Literary Awards are out of step and a bit hidebound and trying to get them to change is a losing battle and a waste of time and effort. Instead I say, start your own LGBT awards, an award of your peers. It can be twofold: (1) an award where published LGTB authors vote on the best LGBT books in various categories and (2) the readers choice awards where the general public vote for their favorite books, that way you get the whole community involved.

Change is the only constant in life. You either adapt or get left behind. I say move forward, build something wonderful, something where all LGBT author regardless of their sexual or gender identity or the type of books they write are honored, because it's not just straight women who are locked out.

And Lambdas Literary Awards? Well it's up to them. They either adapt or they don't.

FYI, there is also the Golden Crown Awards.

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