Smallville: Shelter From the Storm

Feb 20, 2009 18:46

I have a kink for Lex bending to Clark's will. Well that's not news. I think by now it's obvious that I love dominate!Clark. Lex is so in control, that I find it hot when he gives up control or even better when he is made to give up control. When Kal-El orders Lex to rest... that just made the story for me. The only thing that could of made it hotter is if it was Clark who orders him.

Fun story, but if mpreg squicks you, you might not want to read this story.

Title: Shelter From The Storm
Authors: hils
Paring: Clark/Lex and Kal-El/Lex
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Getting poisoned is just the beginning

Read the story


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