Smallville/Firefly: The Rarer Action (WIP)

Jan 06, 2008 10:24

It may not seem that way considering how many wip I've recced, but I always hesitate before I rec a wip. What happens if the story zigs and I zag? It's happen before when something has happen in the 11th hour and the story I've been loving goes to a place that I can't/won't follow, but I'm going to chance it, cause I like the author and the premise.

Lex and Clark are sent off planet to negotiate with ET's that try to kill them. Injured and with a damaged ship Lex puts both Clark and himself in static chambers so they can survive the journey home; but something goes wrong and they drift until they are found and released by the crew of Firefly, 500 years in the future. The author is doing a really good job of melding the two series together.

Title: The Rarer Action
Author: danceswithgary
Pairing: Clark/Lex
Rating: Mature/Adult
Summary: Lost in the future, can they forgive each other before it's too late? Firefly/Serenity crossover.

Read the story

fandom:smallville, wip, fandom:firefly

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