Harry Potter: Learned and Reinforced Trust

Oct 21, 2007 09:26

Why does Dumbledore trust Snape? This story is not unique in that I've read other stories with similar themes; however, this story is moody and well crafted and delivers an emotional punch at the end. It's written from Dumbledores perceptive and chronicles their relationship and the bond between them from when Snape first became Dumbledores's spy to the end. Ambiguous consent.

Title: Learned and Reinforced Trust
Author: Queen of the Castle jessicaqueen
Pairing: Dumbledore/Snape
Summary: Wherein Severus Snape is considered disloyal by all but one man, who has reason to trust him absolutely. Snape/Dumbledore, Snape/Lily (implied), Dumbledore/Grindelwald (implied).

Read the story

fandom:harry potter

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