Teen Wolf/His Dark Materials: Cross My Soul

Jul 06, 2013 20:08

Title: Cross My Soul
Fandom: Teen Wolf, His Dark Materials
Pairing(s): Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Genre/Kinks: first time
Word Count: 32,323

Sometime around mid summer, during the intervening weeks of baseball camp and recovering from baseball camp and the latest Minecraft update, Jinx hops up the plastic step stool to their bed and says, “Derek’s daemon won’t talk to me.”

Why I am Recommending It:
If there ever was a story, that I wanted to read a sequel to, it's this one. This story haunts me because of the tragedy that is Derek. His relationship with his daemon is devastatingly heartbreaking.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth where there are
comments. Comment here or there using OpenID.

status:complete, fandom:his dark materials, fandom:teen wolf, author:ecarian, pairing:derek/stiles

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