Teen Wolf: The Sum of Its Parts Series

Mar 26, 2013 18:45

It is a bit of a stretch but if you are willing to go there, it is totally worth. Stiles kills Peter but because he is a pack member, even though he is human, he becomes the alpha. Its an ingenious plot twist and I love the dynamic that it creates and the developing relationship between Stiles and an asexual Derek who is his lupa. So far there are 5 stories in the series. The fifth one is a WIP.

Title: Coming Undone
Pairing: No Pairing
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Summary: Stiles deals with the aftermath of being abducted by Peter Hale and left for dead. It's harder than he would have thought to accept his place in the pack when he's convinced that he's the 'weak one' and can't protect himself. Fortunately, Scott and Sheriff Stilinski are there to help, and to nag Derek until he helps, too.

Title: Onwards and Upwards
Pairing: Allison Argent/Scott McCall
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Summary: A series of one-shot fics following 'Coming Undone'. The pack is coming together. (And also I've created a monster AU. Please send help.)

Title: A Place We Call Home
Pairing: No Pairing
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Summary: Follow-up to 'Coming Undone'. Stiles and the others decide to expand the pack. There's this kid Derek met in a cemetery named Isaac... -Now with added Erica!-

Title: The One You Feed
Pairing: Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Summary: Sequel to ‘Coming Undone’ and ‘A Place We Call Home’. The alpha pack is in town, and they’re not too happy with the way things are in Beacon Hills. Stiles may have to choose between his life and his pack.

Title: The Boy in Read (WIP)
Pairing: Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Summary: Sequel to 'The One You Feed'. A sorcerer comes to Beacon Hills. When he seems to be targeting Stiles' pack, Stiles goes to Dr. Deaton for advice. But can the mysterious veterinarian really be trusted? (OMG I'm so bad at summaries, please forgive me if that's really melodramatic.)

Crossposted from Dreamwidth where there are
comments. Comment here or there using OpenID.

status:wip, pairing:scott/allison, fandom:teen wolf, author:kouriarashi, pairing:derek/stiles

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