The Hobbit: Burned To A Cinder (WIP)

Feb 12, 2013 17:34

I admit I have a weakness for romantic comedies and this one gets better and better with each chapter posted. I would explain, but I don't think I can do it justice.

Title: Burned To A Cinder
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Pairing: Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield
Summary: A Cinderella-esque AU. Bilbo, a lonely hobbit of the Shire in the valley outside Erebor, gets a job as a cook in the dwarf kingdom to pass the time and keep himself occupied after his mother’s death. One day he meets a regal dwarf, who he thinks is a thief and trespasser, and throws an apple at his head, never knowing he’s just assaulted the dwarven Prince. Thus begins the antagonistic and somewhat odd courtship of a hobbit and the next King of Erebor.

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fandom:the hobbit, status:wip, author:ferretbabby, pairing:bilbo/thorin

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