Merlin: The Ivy Crown

Nov 18, 2012 19:55

This story is not new. It was written for the paperlegends challenge of 2011 and according to AO3 has 252,245 words. That in itself is an achievement, but even more so was the way she blended Merlin with Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle seamlessly. There are so many layers to the story, though at the heart it is a story of self discovery, love and the bumpy road towards acceptance.

Title: The Ivy Crown
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Summary: Merlin couldn't have picked a worse time to finally tell Arthur about his magic. In the wake of the battle against the immortal army, a strange visitor disrupts the court, calling himself the Green Knight and proposing a test of the court's integrity. Although Uther turns him away, several of Camelot's northern allies end up mysteriously beheaded over the next few months, and Arthur, Merlin and the knights set out to investigate. They encounter more than they'd bargained for on the way-a reckless young boy, a lady in search of a husband, a centuries-old fairytale that holds more than a grain of truth... and a challenge that ends up being more than just a game.

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author:dayari, status:complete, pairing:merlin/arthur, fandom:merlin

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